Theology as Seen in Prophets and Psalms/The logic of Amos' vision reports. discuss

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The vision reports in the book of Amos (7:1-3; 7:4-6; 7:7-9; 8:1-3; 9:1-4)

"The basic dramatic activity of the first four visions sets up a rhythmic pattern essential to the actscheme of forgiveness and judgment. Twice Amos is able to persuade the LORD God not to destroy God’s own people. Twice the LORD God pronounces judgment predicated by Amos’ observations. All finally brought to climax when only God stands on the stage of Amos’ vision and pronounces a final judgment. This climactic pattern has the symmetrical balance, dialogic exchange, and the formality of a concluding event still present in much of the drama of our own century. Reading the visions as a drama places emphasis on the human experience of Amos and the people of Israel. Their vulnerability to the LORD God is staged in Amos’ visions, along with their dramatic role as the people of Israel. The act-scheme of forgiveness and judgment is predicated on an emerging character (the people of Israel) in relation to a source of action (the LORD God)."
