The sport workplace/Jobs and careers in the sport and fitness industry
The following list offers samples of jobs, careers, employment and career positions in sport, recreation, health activity and exercise science. For specific sports that could be approached by a prospective employee see the ‘Sports List’. Please feel free to add to this list, provide further job titles or sub-categories under any career job listed and, especially, consider the industrial relations and sport workplace implications for particular jobs. Where possible, provide a link to an actual job description.
- Academic roles in university teaching
- After-school sport and physical activity club
- Apparel design
- Athlete welfare officer
- Australian Formula One Grand Prix
- Australian Institute of Sport (AIS)
- Australian Sports Commission (ASC)
- Biomechanist
- Camp America
- Camp Australia
- Coach development manager
- Coaching employment
- Collectibles (autographs etc)
- Commercial/business fitness manager
- Community Centre Assistant
- Community health officer
- Community recreation officer
- Community sport organiser
- Corporate health adviser
- Country clubs
- Customer Relations
- Department of Education
- Distributorships of sports goods
- Editing and producing a sport newsletter
- Education worker-instructor (e.g. swimming)
- Elite coaching
- Entrepreneurial ventures
- Ethnic sport
- Event management
- Events coordinator
- Events manager
- Exercise physiologist
- Facilitating outdoor programs
- Facilities management (e.g. facility maintenance, booking officer, pools, community clubs, tennis, fitness gyms, bowling green, golf club)
- Fantasy leagues and games developer
- Federal/state/regional/local/community sport engagement
- Fitness/gym instructor
- Fundraiser for sport and recreation organizations
- Government department/corporate/community fitness
- Greenkeeper, curator, caretaker
- Gymnastics club
- Health and activity promotion
- Health and Fitness in Institutions
- Health promotion coordinator
- High Performance manager
- Horse racing position – stable person, trainer, office worker
- Indigenous sport or working with indigenous people
- International sport body employment or internships
- International sport body internship
- Junior sport organizer
- Licensing manager
- Lifesaving
- Manager of community sport and recreation facilities
- Managing extreme sport
- Managing outdoor education
- Market researcher
- Marketing manager
- Marketing sports equipment
- Masseuse
- Media liaison
- Media release ‘journalist’
- Ministry for Sport employment
- National coaching schemes tutor
- National organizations as part of international body e.g. Australian Olympics
- National sport organizations e.g. Cricket Australia
- Non-profit organization employment e.g. charitable trusts, fundraising
- Nursing home or elderly village physical activity officer
- Officiating role as umpire, judge or referee
- Outdoor education teacher
- Overseas national/provincial/regional organizations e.g. New Zealand Badminton
- Paralympics employment
- Performance analyst
- Personal trainer
- Physical activity manager
- Physical Education teacher
- Physiologist
- Physiotherapist
- Player development and career adviser
- Player manager/agent
- Professional athlete
- Professional Player Association officer
- Project Officer
- Promotions manager
- Public/private/primary/ secondary schools teacher or resource person
- Public relations officer
- Recreation and sport facilities manager
- Recreation development officer
- Recreation liaison officer
- Recreation manager
- Recreation programs officer
- Recreation/health promotion officer
- Recruitment manager
- Rehab for athletes and community persons
- Results Officer
- School sport officer
- Special Olympics employment
- Special Population Health Group
- Sponsorship manager.
- Sponsorship selling
- Sponsorship liaison
- Sport academy roles
- Sport administration
- Sport Advertising
- Sport and physical activity coordinator.
- Sport architecture
- Sport author
- Sport betting
- Sport coach
- Sport consultancy
- Sport development officer.
- Sport director
- Sport event manager
- Sport in specialised facilities e.g. elderly, rehab, jail
- Sport journalism
- Sport Lawyer
- Sport manager
- Sport marketer
- Sport marketing consultant
- Sport marketing officer/manager
- Sport memorabilia
- Sport merchandise sales
- Sport museums
- Sport nutritionist
- Sport psychologist
- Sport public relations and promotion
- Sport reporter
- Sport researcher
- Sport scientist.
- Sport shops (retail)
- Sport social clubs e.g. (a) adults (b) youth clubs
- Sport team Manager
- Sport team support staff
- Sport technology development
- Sport trust employment
- Sport/event ticketing
- Sport: medicine practitioner
- Sports goods merchandising
- Sportswear
- Stadium management
- State Institute of Sport employment
- State sporting organizations e.g. ACT Cricket
- Strength and conditioning manager or trainer
- Tourist resort activity officer
- Tournament director
- Town Council Recreation Centre manager
- University, TAFE tertiary institutions sports club or gym positions
- Venue Manager
- Voluntary agency officer
- Worker on a moderating body e.g. tribunal, drugs agency ASADA