The periodic table/Oganesson

Subject classification: this is a chemistry resource.
Completion status: this resource is just getting off the ground. Please feel welcome to help!
Type classification: this is an article resource.
Educational level: this is a research resource.



Quick Facts


Name: Oganesson

Symbol: Og

Mass: 294

Classification: Group 0 (Noble Gases)

Protons: 118

Electrons: 118

Neutrons: 176

Color: Colorless

Discovered in: 2006

Crystal Structure: Unknown

Melting Point: Unknown

Boiling Point: Unknown

Common Uses: Oganesson's most stable isotope, oganesson-294, has a half-life of about 0.89 milliseconds. It decays into livermorium-290 through alpha decay. Since only a few atoms of oganesson have ever been produced, it currently has no uses outside of basic scientific research.

See also


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