Subject classification: this is a chemistry resource.
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Educational level: this is a research resource.

Cesium (US), or caesium, is a chemical element.


Kirchhoff and Bunsen

Two German scientists (Gustav Kirchhoff and Robert Bunsen), in 1860, discovered Cesium in samples of mineral water in Bad Dürkheim, a spa town in Germany. Because of two blue lines from its emission spectrum, they chose the name, caesius, which is Latin for "sky blue".

Quick Facts


Name: Cesium

Symbol: Cs

Date of Discovery: 1860

Discoverer: Fustov Kirchoff

Atomic number: 55

Atomic Mass: 132.90546 amu

Classification: Alkaline Metal

Protons: 55

Electrons: 55

Neutrons: 78

Color: Silver

Crystal Structure: Cubic

Melting Point: 28.5 °C

Boiling Point: 678.4 °C

See also

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