The Shocking Truth

Phone hacking


Using these three articles we introduced and compared what phone hacking is and how it works. Students can do a comparative analysis on the style and genre of the texts if you want. This is a simple article on how easy it is to hack phones today. This is a instructional document on how to do it. This is from the website of Dr. Tom O'Connor a professor of criminal justice. Interesting background for what is supposed to be allowed and what isn’t. I just used an extract from it. I used this clip to introduce the scandal of the case.

We spent some time discussing Murdock and his domination over the press. I got students to bring in articles/ info they found on press domination (we had already talked about it in class). Outfoxed, film on Murdock and Power This is the statement from Jude Law’s court case. I used this for the dictogloss exercise suggested by Angie’s course (where you read a sample of the text to them twice, they make notes and then in groups they try to re-write it in the style of). It seemed to go down really well.

Media and Violence


Focus: Media "sells" violence

Resources: Adverts (Calvin Klein)

Focus: Violence "sells" media


  • American Psycho
  • Guardian articles

Resources: Student presentations

Resources: This is Modern Art

Advertising Child Abuse for Children

Desensitization to Violence




  • Benetton campaigns
  • Websites

Resources: Student presentations
