The Ancient World (HUM 124 - UNC Asheville)/Texts/Popul Vuh

The Popul Vuh is an ancient Mayan text otherwise known as the "Mayan Book of the Dawn of Life." This creation story begins with the creation of the world, various animals, and then of humans through trial and error. Humans were comprised of corn, which is very important to the Mayans-- something they called “staple foods” and were created by a woman who would grind yellow and white corn using a hand stone and a grinding stone! After the world was created along with all of the other inhabitants, a story takes place. This story is one of two hero twins, Hunahpu and Xbalanque, who made a journey down to Xibalba, the Mayan underworld, which led them to a series of obstacles to be used as tests. The first being the Dark House. Inside the Dark House, the boys were met with One Death where he brought the boys’ torch and then Xibalba asked them to play ball. There was a catch though! The boys insisted on playing with their ball, while the Xibalbans insisted on using theirs, which ended up being a skull with the White Dagger inside! The boys’ ball was thrown in for fairness and the Xibalbans still defeated the twins, when then had agreed that the winner be brought flowers before the night ended. This lead to their idea to play ball at night instead! From here, Hunahpu and Xbalanque were faced with obstacle after obstacle to test their strength including: the Razor House with many knives to cut them with, the Cold House which brought thick-falling hail and cold temperatures, the Jaguar House full of jaguars, the house of fire, and the Bat House with vicious features where one of the twins, Hunahpu lost his head! Much more happens throughout the story as it is quite intricate, but the story ends when the boys are reborn on the Earth where they aim to defeat the gods that killed their fathers. They play ball and anger the gods of Xibalba like their fathers, but when it comes their turn to face the tests, the gods beg, and the boys take over control of the Xibalbans, put back together their father, and turn into the sun and moon.