The Ancient World (HUM 124 - UNC Asheville)/Confucius

Definition of study/learning:
To learn from what is said by the Master in The Analects and to take it and apply it to your life now. People use these text from all types of ancient reads to learn because some of the teachings in here apply to life now even though they're from thousands of years ago. 
From the Text:
Book 1 number 1: Master said "To learn something and at times to practice it- surely that is the pleasure? to have friends coming from distant places- surely that is delightful? But not to be resentful at others' failure appreciate one- surely that is to be a true gentleman?" 
What he's teaching is to gain pleasure in the things you learn, to be delight in the little things in life, and to be proper when others are rude. People now can take these things and apply it to every day life because this stuff is all simple things to do that could make us all better people. 
Book 2 number 11: Master said "If by keeping the old warming can provide understanding of the new, one is fit to be a teacher."
He means that if we keep the older people around, we can gain wisdom from them to understand the future. "One is fit to be a teacher" is saying that the old person can teach the young person about life how you can make a change to help your own future. 
Book 2 number 12: Master said "A gentleman does not behave as an implement." 
This means that no one is or should be used as a pawn to give gain for their own good.
Book 4 number 7: Master said "People's mistakes all come in the same category in that, if one contemplates a mistake then one gains understanding of humaneness." 
What I believe he's trying to teach is learn from your mistake because it could teach you something for the future and you won't make the same mistake twice.