The Advancement of Tertiary Teaching and Learning/Free Knowledge Communities and FLOSS in Education
This section of the wiki is dedicated to the development of support resources for FLOSS in education and Free Knowledge Communities. From time to time, there are forums, conferences and events that can support and promote the ongoing development of these resources. Moderators and organisers wishing to contribute to this intitiative are encouraged to list their activities here.
Active intiatives supporting the development of resources for FLOSS in Education
editGuidelines for developing resources
editThe resources listed here are being designed as "just-in-time" professional development resources to assist academics and teachers in higher education with their e-learning activities. They are intended to be used as workshop handouts or digital readings that can be incorporated into online learning courses. Each resource should:
- NOT require more than 15 - 20 minutes reading time (less is fine but try to keep the resource short and to the point);
- aim to improve the quality of "e-teaching";
- be technology neutral (for instance, the resources should not be dependent on specific LMS systems);
- aimed at teachers that do not have much experience with e-learning;
To enhance reusability try to avoid embedding specific learning objectives, workshop activities or planned online interactions. These can be added later by facilitators who will customise the resource for their own context and target audience. If you are new to the MediaWiki software - you will find help here.