Template:WikiJournal/Draft of duties of the editor-in-chief

Duties of the editor-in-chief


The editor-in-chief has final responsibilities for the operations and policies of the journal. Contact details of the editor-in-chief should be stated online. The editor-in-chief should act as the point of contact for questions relating to research and publication ethics. The editor-in-chief should acknowledge receipt of communications from institutions and should promptly bring the matter to the Editorial Board for action. The editor-in-chief should keep the public informed about any changes in the aims and scope of the journal.

The editor-in-chief should not disclose confidential details about article submissions with editor-in-chiefs of other journals, unless the following requirements are fulfilled:

  • Such sharing is a necessary part of fulfilling the obligation to prevent and respond to suspected research misconduct
  • The authors of the article have been informed about the issue at hand, and have not given a response, or the response was not satisfactory
  • The disclosure is limited to journals which are suspected of having been targeted by the research misconduct at hand, or are believed to have pertinent information of the case at hand.
  • The recipient editor-in-chief is notified about the sensitive nature of the information.

The amount of disclosed information should be limited to the minimum required. The shared information should be factual, while avoiding conjecture and speculation.

Further reading