Template:GreySmith Institute new/Admin Lab/Introduction

The Administration Lab is an international Collaboration that works with the AGILE planning Process, to Design Management Systems

Researchers the world over are encouraged to get involved in the experiments.

Agile systems use naive specifications to create place holder plans, where the data is not yet gathered as to how best to design a business. For instance a business plan might start out with a point form listing of the steps that need to be taken to start the business. Then each step might go through a tactical analysis, based on a naive set of assumptions, such as the effectiveness of an Augary such as the I-ching to define whether or not the particular tactic will work. Of course this is really only a coarse filter, to cause the planner to work a little harder to get a plan fleshed out so that it meets the needs of the tactical situation. At each step the plan goes through a refactoring tuning it to fit the actual information as the information comes available.