This template is used for reusing parts of pages in other pages. This practice has several advantages:

  • Reduces maintenance by avoiding duplicate content that must be updated multiple times
  • Improves content quality by encouraging editors to merge related content, rather than having multiple versions in various stages of development
  • Fosters collaboration by channeling contributors into one place, rather than working in parallel

This template extends the capabilities of the built-in normal transclusion.



Basic usage

  • {{Excerpt|Page title}} — Transclude the lead section (example)
  • {{Excerpt|Page title|Section title}} — Transclude a specific section, excluding any subsections (example)


  • 1 — Title of the page to transclude. Only required parameter. By default the lead section will be transcluded (example).
  • 2 — Title of the section to transclude (example).
  • fragment — Name of the fragment to transclude. Must be marked with <section begin=Name of the fragment/> and <section end=Name of the fragment/> in the transcluded page (example). Notice that this template provides other ways of targeting specific fragments of a page without having to resort to section tags.
  • only — Elements to transclude (example). By default all elements are transcluded.
    • only=file or only=files — Transclude only files
    • only=list or only=lists — Transclude only lists
    • only=table or only=tables — Transclude only tables
    • only=template or only=templates — Transclude only templates
    • only=paragraph or only=paragraphs — Transclude only paragraphs
  • paragraphs — Paragraphs to transclude. By default all paragraphs are transcluded.
    • paragraphs=0 — Transclude no paragraphs
    • paragraphs=1 — Transclude the first paragraph
    • paragraphs=2 — Transclude the second paragraph
    • paragraphs=1,3 — Transclude the first and third paragraphs
    • paragraphs=1-3 — Transclude the first, second and third paragraphs
    • paragraphs=1-3,5 — Transclude the first, second, third and fifth paragraphs
    • paragraphs=-1 — Transclude all paragraphs except the first
    • paragraphs=-2 — Transclude all paragraphs except the second
    • paragraphs=-1,3 — Transclude all paragraphs except the first and third
    • paragraphs=-1-3 — Transclude all paragraphs except the first, second and third
    • paragraphs=-1-3,5 — Transclude all paragraphs except the first, second, third and fifth
  • lists — Lists to transclude. By default all lists are transcluded. Same syntax as when transcluding paragraphs.
  • files — Files to transclude. By default all files are transcluded. Same syntax as when transcluding paragraphs, but also:
    • files=A.jpg — Transclude the file named 'A.jpg'
    • files=A.jpg, B.png, C.gif — Transclude the files named 'A.jpg', 'B.png' and 'C.gif'
    • files=.+%.png — Transclude all PNG files
    • files=-A.jpg — Transclude all files except the one named 'A.jpg'
    • files=-A.jpg, B.png, C.gif — Transclude all files except the ones named 'A.jpg', 'B.png' and 'C.gif'
    • files=-.+%.png — Transclude all non-PNG files
  • tables — Tables to transclude. By default all tables are transcluded. Same syntax as when transcluding paragraphs, but also:
    • tables=Stats2020 — Transclude the table with id 'Stats2020'
    • tables=Stats2020, Stats2019, Stats2018 — Transclude the tables with ids 'Stats2020', 'Stats2019' and 'Stats2018'
    • tables=-Stats2020 — Transclude all tables except the one with id 'Stats2020'
    • tables=-Stats2020, Stats2019, Stats2018 — Transclude all tables except the ones with ids 'Stats2020', 'Stats2019' and 'Stats2018'
  • templates — Templates to transclude. By default all templates are transcluded. Same syntax as when transcluding paragraphs, but also:
    • templates=Infobox — Transclude the template 'Infobox'
    • templates=Infobox, Navbox, Chart — Transclude the template 'Infobox', 'Navbox' and 'Chart'
    • templates=-Infobox — Transclude all templates except 'Infobox'
    • templates=-Infobox, Navbox, Chart — Transclude all templates except 'Infobox', 'Navbox' and 'Chart'
  • this — Change the initial text of the hatnote. For example, if the transcluded content is a gallery, you can set this=This gallery is so that the hatnote reads "This gallery is an excerpt from..." (example).
  • hat=no — Hide the hatnote "This section is an excerpt from..."
  • more=yes — Show a "Read more..." link at the end
  • bold=yes — Keep bold text.
  • quote=yes — Wrap the excerpt with <blockquote> tags.
  • inline=yes — Wrap the excerpt with <span> tags to use it inside other text.
  • references=no — Remove all references.
  • subsections=yes — Include subsections of the transcluded section. Notice that if the transclusion is done from a section level 3, and the transcluded subsections are level 3 too, then the transcluded subsections will show with the same hierarchy as the transcluding section, which is probably not desirable, so use with caution.

Replacing sections for excerpts

How to replace a section for an excerpt.

Sections are often summaries of more precise subpages. Sometimes it's convenient to replace the content of such sections for excerpts of the subpages, after merging the original content of the section (if any) into the subpage. This improves both the subpage and the section, reduces maintenance, drives contributors to collaborate, etc.

An efficient way to proceed is:

  1. Open the section in one tab and the subpage in another.
  2. Edit both.
  3. Copy the text of the section and paste it below the lead section of the subpage.
  4. Delete repeated content and adjust using common sense.
  5. Save the changes in the subpage with an edit summary like: Bring content from [[Page]].
  6. Back to the section, delete all content and replace it for an excerpt of the subpage.
  7. Save the changes in the section with an edit summary like: Move content to [[Subpage]] and leave an excerpt.



Lead section

{{Excerpt|Formal dictionary}}
The by is an inspiration for this resource.

This formal dictionary is a collection of definitions that are sufficiently formal to be used in theorems and theories.

If you want to contribute, check out the guidelines first.

Specific section

{{Excerpt|Formal dictionary|Guidelines for contributors}}
  • When adding a primitive term, use the Template:Formal dictionary/Primitive.
  • Do not link your definitions outside of the dictionary, for example to Wikipedia. One of the goals of the dictionary is to be able to track the definitions back to the primitives. Linking out of the dictionary defeats this purpose. If you want to link to a term that hasn't been defined yet, just create a section for it and leave its definition for later, or mark it as a primitive term.
  • When defining a term, link only the first appearance of each other term to its definition in the dictionary.
  • If you want to add a different definition for an already existing term, distinguish them with numbers between parenthesis, like in Change (1) and Change (2).

Files only

The Wikidebate logo represents a small debate tree.

Infobox only

{{Excerpt|Conway's Game of Life|only=templates|templates=Infobox ASGELE|this=This infobox is}}
DesignerJohn Horton Conway
TopicCellular automata
Time5 minutes
No. of roles/players1, viewer
Archive of Simulations and Games for the Enhancement of the Learning Experience
The individual resources in this archive come from diverse sources. They have been brought together into this archive in a project supported by

No infobox

{{Excerpt|Conway's Game of Life}}

In this learning project we explore Conway's Game of Life. The game involves an (infinite) two-dimensional grid with black and white squares, which may be represented as 1 and 0. One may think of them as "live cells" or "dead cells". The grid evolves. The evolution rule is as follows:

  • All cells evolve simultaneously
  • Each cell has eight neighbours
  • An alive cell with two or three neighbours continues to live. Otherwise it dies.
  • A dead cell with exactly three neighbours will become alive.

From these simple forms it is possible to create stable and recursive patterns, such as the Gosper Glider Gun (illustrated).

The Game of Life is a prototypical example of a cellular automaton, an automatic machine of cells. It has attracted the interest of researchers in diverse fields. Patterns in Conway's Game of Life have been shown to be capable of emulating a universal Turing machine.

For more details and context, see w:Conway's Game of Life.


Cloud bands are clearly visible on Jupiter. Credit: NASA/JPL/USGS.

Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System and contains nearly 3/4 of all planetary matter.

With no solid surface, Jupiter is a gas and liquid filled giant. Its turbulent belts of clouds circulate parallel to the equator and often contain oval spots which are storm systems with the largest being easily twice the diameter of Earth. The great red spot has been observed for at least 300 years and rotates counter-clockwise with wind speeds of 270 miles per hour [430 km/hr].

Although observed and studied from Earth for centuries it wasn't until the mid 1970's that humans were able to get a closer look with the spacecraft Pioneer 10 and 11. The Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft were launched with the specific purpose of collecting information and data on the Jovian worlds. In December 1995 the Galileo spacecraft entered into orbit and began it's long-term study of Jupiter and it's moons, a probe was also sent deep into the atmosphere of the gas giant.

See also
