Template:Eventmath start tab/doc



This template is adapted from {{Start tab}}. That template supports changing the background color of active and inactive tabs but not the label color. The only difference in this adaptation is that it supports new parameters for changing the label color:

  • on label color
  • off label color
  • off label color-n

These work in the same way as the corresponding parameters in the original template (on tab color, off tab color, and off tab color-n). Specifically, off label color is the default color for labels on inactive tabs, but a custom color may be specified for inactive tab labels if desired (e.g. off label color-1, if set, will override off label color for the first tab).

This template was created for the Eventmath learning project, but it may be generally useful. It was created separately to avoid accidentally breaking pages that use the original Start tab template, but it's possible that the features in this template will be added to the original Start tab template in the future.