Template:Box Theme Attribute

A template to obtain properties of named themes for use anywhere, but usually in SSE Section Boxes in combination with SSE Images. See also SSE Themes for some examples, and SSE Current Theme (a way of setting a current theme for SSE - changing this will change all pages which use the "current theme".


{{SSE Theme|name=<name of theme>|property=<name of property>

returns a colour for a property - e.g. {{SSE Theme|name=sandy|property=border}} returns orange.

properties include: border, background, foreground, titleforeground, titlebackground, roundbox-theme (for the round box template), ...

Existing themes are illustrated here: here


  • Consider refactoring this to not include roundbox-theme - it is a different type.
    • Workaround checks if that property was indicated and returns a valid number if theme not specified or not found.
  • Rename the template to something like "Box Theme Attribute" (done :-).
{{Box Theme Attribute
| theme =
| box attribute =