Telecommunications engineering/EE 102 Electric Circuit Analysis

circuit analysis deals with the calculation of essential circuit parameters which describes the behaviour of circuit. These parameters include voltage, current, power etc. Other parameters are also used in the circuit designing like impedence calculation, admittance etc.

laws and theorems are given for the circuit analysis. Some of them are KVL and KCL. Other theorems include like maximum power theorem, norton theorem, thevenins theorem etc.

with the application of these fundamental theorems the circuit analysis can be performed.

Kirchhoff's Current Law


Definition of Kirchhoff's Current Law is:

At any node (junction) in an electrical circuit, the sum of currents flowing into that node is equal to the sum of currents flowing out of that node

An example is as follows:

Sum of currents flowing into that node:


and sum of currents flowing out of that node is:


therefore, the equation for that node is defined as: