Teaching Assistant in France Survival Guide/Directory
This is meant to be a directory of assistants in France of all nationalities. It is divided by académie in alphabetical order, and then academic years. You can fill it in however you want, but the best way is to create a user page with your contact info and then link to it (see Toulouse 2003-2004 for some examples).
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edit2011- 2012
editElísabet from Granada, Spain. I'll be in Arles - elirodri15@gmail.com
Roxana from San Salvador, El Salvador. I'll be in Aix-en-Provence - roxy__martinez@hotmail.com
Heather from San Francisco, Caliornia. I'll be in Dinard (Brittany) - myoldtree@gmail.com
Susie from Sheffield, England. I'll be in Auray in Brittany (next to Vannes) susannahwarner@hotmail.com
editJustin from Ottawa, Canada! WAY too excited... jbrig.fhg2005@gmail.com
Rosie from London, England - rosie_osborne@hotmail.co.uk
Tanya from Chicago - tldenoon@gmail.com
Emma-may from Durham, England: emma-may17@live.co.uk
editKirsti from Scotland, going to near Avignon! spread_the_love@live.co.uk
Sophie from England, I'll be teaching at a lycée and a collège in Salon-de-Provence, near Aix :) Email: litera@hotmail.co.uk
Molly from Wisconsin - Lycée Maurice GENEVOIX in Marignane.
Aaron From England --- Living in Rennes . buttersnow@live.co.uk
editJane from Brisbane, Australia: will be in Marseille (7eme) for seven months in primaire. Email jane_symonds@hotmail.com Would love to hear from anyone past/present/future!
HI!! I am Archana from India going to Avignon under the academy of Aix-Marseille to teach ecole primaire(9 months). Anybody to Avignon? or anybody who can give me suggetions on the accomodation please do mail to archanamailz85@gmail.com
Robert from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A. will be in Aix-en-Provence for seven months at the Lycée Vauvenargue. I'd love to hear from anyone around this area, esp. those interested in biking, traveling, etc. (rshaw@wisc.edu)
editCatharine from Philadelphia/Chicago. I'll be teaching in primaire for 9 months. Email - kollros@gmail.com wiProxy-Connection: keep-alive Cache-Control: max-age=0
any info, and please email me if you know the vacation schedule!
Nicole from Denver. I'll also be in primaire for 9 months. handynicole at gmail ... looking forward to sharing questions and new info. Anyone who has questions, check out assistantsinfrance.com and the facebook group for assistants.
Ashley from Lexington, KY/Indianapolis. I too will be in primaire. askoch@gmail.com...feel free to email me because I really want to be in contact with people!
editSusie Shackelford from Seattle. Email - agdgirl@gmail.com If anyone has any information or tips, I would be glad to hear from you!
Alexandra Goroch from Salinas, CA. Email -- renouveler(at)msn.com. Tips are welcome here, too!
Melanie Huston from Cleveland, OH...Email - mhuston@bw.e
Amelia Burget from Pittsburgh, PA - aeburget@hotmail.com - any info or advice would be helpful!!
Andrew Dubrov from Kansas City. e-mail: andrew.dubrov@gmail.com. Info on how you found a place to live would be lovely.
editAmanda Gould
editMarseille: Amber Avello (Miami), at Lycee Montgrand
editElizabeth from MN! email me at lizzie dot christian at gmail dot com.
Meaghan from near St. Louis, MO, 7 month primaire in Chateau Thierry, email: mjgass@gmail.com
editEmily from Sanford, NC, living in Charleston, SC. 7 month primaire in Beauvais as far as I can tell. emilytroutman@gmail.com
Stephanie from the Chicago Suburbs (Lombard), 7 month lycee program in Laon. hithere52@aol.com
Stephanie Marie from Geneva,IL living and working in Creil/Montatare for 7 months:collége. shaas619@gmail.com
editKaylee Collins from New Jersey (Philadelphia area). Email: kaylee dot collins at gmail dot com.
editCathy Karlak from Seattle, WA. E-mail: ckarlakova at yahoo dot com
Lindsey Simons from Naperville, IL Email: lsimons84@aol.com
editHi , this is Ravi from India . I was english Language assistant at Tergnier in Amiens .Presently working as Lecturer of French in the Aligarh Muslim University in India . I wish you all a very pleasant stay in France . Bonne Chance.............
Faro from Denver, Colorado. Lycée Pierre-Mendès-France in Péronne. Contact me at heidifaro at yahoo dot com.
Hello, my name is Angelica (from the US) and I have been working as an assistant in Amiens for the last two years (2004-2006) in a collège and lycée. Contact me with any questions regarding assistant life in Amiens. leoneangelica@yahoo.com
editAlexandra from Charlottesville, VA. Check out the 2012-13 facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AssistantsInFranceBesancon201213
editAbby from Eugene,OR Starting in Vesoul this October! Would love to talk/get together with other assistant(e)s: abbydoozers@gmail.com
Aishwarya.Rao from India.starting at Besancon this october 2011. i would love the opportunity to make new acquaintances. aishurao.7@gmail.com
Biljana from Stuttgart, Germany, starting in Besancon 1 Oct. 2011. Would love to talk with other TAs. biljanav@msn.com
editEmma from West Hartford, CT. Teaching at Lycee Pasteur in the center of Besancon. Starting Oct 1st!
editRachael from Ocracoke, NC. Teaching lycee in Besancon proper for 7 months starting 1 October 08. Would love to talk with/meet other TAs from the area. rachael.reeder@gmail.com
editAllison from Myrtle beach, SC. I'm teaching primaire for 9 months in Luxeuil-les-bains. Email at will with any tips or just contact info because I really don't want to be stuck there alone either. sa.nunis@gmail.com
editColin Powell from Chicago, IL / Appleton, WI. Email: colin.powell@gmail.com
Joshua Lang from Portland, OR find_mobius at yahoo dot com
editSalut! My name is Nika Allahverdi, from Los Angeles CA, graduated from UC Berkeley 2014. I am teaching in Bordeaux: Collège Edouard Vaillant and Collège Cassignol (annexe, La Benatte). Let me know if you have questions about Bordeaux or TAPIF: nikaallahverdi@gmail.com
editHello/Bonjour! I'm Madeleine from Michigan, USA. I haven't received my contract (yet) but will be returning to this site and adding it once it arrives. You can contact me at madeleine@innergeek.us
editHi, I am Vikas from India. I will be teaching at Lycee Gaston Febus, Orthez, academie de Bordeaux. You can contact me at: vikaspadala@gmail.com
I'm Camille, from Seattle, WA, USA. I'll be teaching at Lycee Rene Cassin in Bayonne. You can contact me at camilleelise "at" gmail "dot" com.
Hi, I'm Patricia, from Rhode Island, USA. I will be teaching at Lycee de la Mer in Gujan-Mestras. My email is bonnepat "at" gmail . com
I'm Derron, from Circleville, Ohio, USA. I taught at Ecole Les Pins in Dax, France and at Ecole Jules Barrouillet, Ecole Marie-Curie, Ecole Henri Lavielle in Saint-Paul-lès-Dax, France. I was on a 9 month contract and lived at the CROUS Residence Hall in Le Gond in Dax. You can contact me at derron.s.borders [at] gmail [dot] com.
editJohn -- WI, OH, VT, teaching secondaire in Talence (Bordeaux), johnbgraham -at- gmail
Mitch, Tallahassee FL, FSU Grad 06. Primaire, 6 mo.
Nicole Zukowski - Phoenix, AZ, Primaire in Dax, nicolezukowski@yahoo.com
editAisha-Zoe from Las Vegas, NV teaching College in Pau.
Michael Aaron from Denton, Texas will be teaching primaire in Montpon-Menesterol. Email: slfprtrt@yahoo.com
Justin Romick from Kansas CIty, Missouri will be teaching secondaire in Bordeaux
Sam Ennis from Pittsburgh, PA will be teaching secondaire in Agen samennis@gmail.com
editCassandra Whitehead, 2005-2006, Pau, France, kaatori@hotmail.com
editVasudevan Venkat rao, Chennai, India (vasu86@gmail.com)
editKayla Millien , Trinidad, West Indies
Whitney Blankenship, Dover, DE (tsukikoneko@comcast.net) Lycee Victor Hugo
Caleb Benoit, Bourbonnais, IL (calebbenoit@gmail.com) ... Académie de Caen.
Lalita Ramakrishna, Bangalore, India (lalita.ramakrishna@gmail.com)
Anna Williams, NJ, USA (awilliams409@gmail.com) Coutances- Lycee Lebrun
editTravis Sago from South Carolina (Furman University graduate). I don't know my exact assignment, yet. Feel free to contact me at travis.sago@gmail.com
Thomas Walk from Germany. I'll be in Flers (watom ‘at‘ fastmail ‘dot‘ fm)
Lydia from Detroit, teaching collège in Caen proper. lydia.breskin@gmail.com
editAshley from New Jersey. I'll be teaching College for seven months. ashley.ayrer@gmail.com I would love to hear from you!
Rachel Lamb from Perth, Australia. I'll be teaching at a College and a Lycee in Domfront, in the Caen academy. lambr01@student.uwa.edu.au
Tiffany from Toronto. I'll be teaching in an IUFM for six months. tiffanychen17 (at) gmail.com
Kat from South Wales, UK. I'll be a language assistant at two Colleges in Avranches and Brecey. kathrynsw (at) ntlworld (dot) com
editAmber from Charlotte. I'll be teaching in primaire for 9 months. ambie5286@hotmail.com
Andy from Chicago. I will also be teaching in primaire for 9 months. android81@hotmail.com
Robert Tyree from Seattle - Lycee in Falaise
editDerik De Baun from Los Angeles, CA. Email: greeneyedtwin@gmail.com
Kim Armstrong from Omaha, NE, Email: kea@creighton.edu
editKirk and Audrey Hinton (hintonsabroad AT yahoo DOT com)
Kldavis (milkjamfrance AT gmail DOT com)
Amber Henderson, lectrice at Université d'Auvergne
editGrecia Alvarado, Primary School Assistant in Aurillac, France.
editBrooks Shaffer, lecteur at the Université Blaise Pascal. brook.shaffer@gmail.com. From New York, living and working in Clermont until 6/2009.
editSalut....... I'm Sweta from India. I was in two schools.Pl. feel free to contact me on ranasweta@rediffmail.com
editLeslie Hawthorne from Connecticut. Primary schools in Bastia, 9 months. Feel free to contact me at leslie.hawthorne at gmail.com.
editTommy Duggan from Chapel's Cove (near St. John's), NL, Canada. Secondaire I believe. Email is p89trd at hotmail.com.
Tyler Powell and wife Tori from Columbia, Missouri, USA to teach in Bastia for 7 and 9 months, respectively. Reach us at: tylercpowell@gmail.com and torihaltom@gmail.com. Thanks!
editKatherine Jones from Lawrence, KS will be teaching primaire in Bastia. KatherineJones99@hotmail.com
editcara straforelli - assistant at the lycée in porto vecchio, but i live in patrimonio. you can email me at my first name at my last name dot com.
editJanine from Scotland, secondaire, 7 months, janine_k_c@hotmail.com
editNadine from United States Primary School nadinegtc@gmail.com
Rebecca from England. Primary School, 7 months. incidentsandaccidents@gmail.com
Katie from United States, Primary School, 7 months, Maisons-Alfort, katherine.ayers@gmail.com
editLise from Boston. Also primaire for 9 months. Hooray! lbradfor at smith.edu
Melissa from Kansas City. Secondaire 7 months. sodajerk4life@gmail.com
Kayleigh from England. Secondaire 7 months. Meaux (77). kayhendo_@hotmail.com
Marybeth from Hamilton, Ontario (Canada). Primarie 9 mois (Chelles 77) mbkigar@hotmail.com
Kathleen from Halifax, Nova Scotia. Secondaire 7 mois. spinspinsugar@hotmail.com
editPaula Robin - I worked at the IUFM Bonneuil-sur-Marne. Still living in Paris, so don't hesitate to contact me if you wan to chat. paulalrobin at yahoo youknowwhat com
editPaula Robin - I worked at the Ecoles élémentaires Compayré 1 and Compayré 2 in Meaux. Still living in Paris, so don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions. paularobin@gmail.com
editHello All! My name is Kristen from Louisiana, and I am looking to get in touch with those who will be teaching in Dijon as well. Email me at: krihunt@gmail.com !
Bonjour! My name is Elizabeth, I'm from Indiana, and I will be teaching at Lycée Le Castel in Dijon. Email me at: enewkirk5@gmail.com
editHi, I'm Katie and I'll be teaching at the Lycée Montchapet in Dijon. Email me if you'll also be in the area! kateisok@hotmail.com
editHey everybody! My name's Meenakshi Nandhini and I'm from India. I'll be teaching at Dijon this academic year (écoles primaires). Email: raintree.mn(at)gmail.com
Hi!! I'm Pippa Im teaching in a lycee in Chalon sur saone, trying to find others going there maybe to find a nice apartment with. pippathorne@hotmail.co.uk
Hi everyone! I'm Lulu and I'll be teaching in Nevers for 7 months! Litllulu@gmail.com
Hey! Im Claire, 22 from Glasgow, Scotland and I will be teaching in 2 schools this year in the centre of Dijon (secondaire). My main school is Marcel Parde but I will also teach at Carnot.
editHey - my name's Nadia and I'll be teaching primaire for 9 months in Dijon 2007-2008! Get in touch! nt11@st-andrews.ac.uk
Hi! I'm Sarah from Texas and I'll also be teaching primaire for 9 months in Dijon this year. sarahmfoley@gmail.com
Hi! My name is Katarina from Kentucky and I'll be teaching primaire for 9 months in Dijon as well. miller.katarina@gmail.com
Hey everyone, I'm Erica from Illinois and I'll be teaching at Lycee Emiland Gauthey in Chalon Sur Saone for 7 months. I can't wait to meet all of you! egoldbe1 at gmail.com
editEmma Stubbs, from Norfolk, England. Will be teaching at the Lycée Montchapet in Dijon. curlyemma6@hotmail.com
Jenni Baker from Elizabethtown, Kentucky. Will be teaching at Collège Clos de Pouilly and Collège Gaston Roupnel in Dijon. jennibbaker(at)yahoo.com
edit- Ben Brueshoff, 2005-2006 assistant in the Academie de Dijon. Contact info: bbruesho@gac.edu Let's chat!
- Nicole Donaldson, from Wellington, New Zealand. Also will be an 2005-2006 Assistant in Dijon. Contact: nicoletanyadonaldson@hotmail.com
Kenneth Martin, Florida USA, 2005-2006 assistant in Dijon, sarcasticnwitty@aol.com
editNicole Hamilton nrhami0@uky.edu University of Kentucky (2004-2005 school year)
Anna Moscovitch anna@nagambiegold.com.au From Melbourne, Australia - was an assistant at Lycee Montchapet in Dijon 2004-05
Hugo Teixeira, California, 2004-2005 assistant in Tournus (Saône-et-Loire, woo!), hugoamt@gmail.com
Enrique G. Rivero, jegrivero@yahoo.com, Ciudad de México, México. Assistant au Lycée Montchapet, Dijon 2004-2005.
editJennifer Wagner: Lectrice d'anglais at Université de Savoie in Chambéry for another year. ielanguages [at] gmail [dot] com
Breno Horsth: Assistant d'anglais at Lycee Jean Monnet and Colege Michel Servet. Feel free to get in touch with me at: breno[at]rogers[dot]com
Lileane Xu, Australia: Assistant d'anglais in Annonay. I'd love to hear from you at lil[dot]xu[at]ymail[dot]com.
editJennifer Wagner: Lectrice d'anglais at Université de Savoie in Chambéry. Former assistant in Cran-Gevrier and Cluses. I still live in Cran-Gevrier, and can help out the Annecy assistants when they arrive. E-mail: ielanguages [at] gmail [dot] com
Courtney Smith: English Language Assistant. Bonneville (Haute-Savoie). 7 month primary school. e-mail: duckey0307 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Alison Ann LOBO (indienne): I will be at LPO Gresivaudan Melan.My email address is alison.lobo@gmail.com
Darren ANSTIS: English Language Assistant at Lycée Xavier Mallet, Le Teil (Ardèche). If you have any questions about the school/town, please contact me and I'll do my best to help.
E-mail: dra07400-lxm [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] uk
editAdrian Kien from Boise, ID. I'll be teaching at the IUFM in Chambery in the Grenobe department. My email is adrian.kien@hotmail.com
Jennifer Wagner [renewed from last year]. Will be teaching in Cluses at Lycee Poncet and College Jean-Jacques Gallay. E-mail: ielanguages [at] gmail [dot] com
Veronica (italian). I'll be teaching at "primaire" in Grenoble. My e mail is veronicabenigno@hotmail.com
Claudio (italian). I'll be teaching in a high school of BONNEVILLE (Haute savoie- Grenoble). My e mail is leone150@hotmail.com
editSarah Allen from Greenville, SC. sarah.elizabeth.allen@gmail.com
Court Anderson from Alberta, Canada. Will be teaching in the city of Grenoble. E-mail: courtanderson@hotmail.com
Caroline Savage from Boston. Will be teaching in the city of Grenoble. So excited! E-mail csavage@princeton.edu
Jennifer Wagner from Flint, MI. Will be teaching in Cran-Gevrier (next to Annecy) at Lycee Baudelaire and College Beauregard. E-mail: ielanguages [at] gmail [dot] com
Maggie Couture from Boston, MA. E-mail: mcouture82@yahoo.com
Austin Anderson from Portland, OR. E-mail: austin.anders@gmail.com
Quinn Currie from Erie, PA. Email: qcurrie@gmail.com
Hilary Kaye from San Francisco. Will be teaching in Vizille and Bourg D'Oisins. E-mail: hill33@ucla.edu
Meagan Williams from Melbourne, Australia. Will be teaching in Valence. Email: meagwilliams@hotmail.com
Tanny Men from Mesa, AZ. tanny.men@asu.edu
Allan Hempsted from Oxford, England. Will be teaching in Bonneville. Email me!: afyyah@nottingham.ac.uk
Emma Simmons from Herts, England. Will be teaching in Rumilly. E-mail: emma.simmons@student.manchester.ac.uk
Jordan Kline from New York. Will be teaching in Annemasse. E-mail: jordan.kline@gmail.com
Jacqueline Ford from Wisconsin. I will be teaching in Nyons! jackief5@gmail.com
Rachel Simpson from Inverness, Scotland, I will be teaching in Valence rms3@hw.ac.uk
Claudio Leone, italian, will be teaching in Bonneville. My email is leone150@hotmail.com
Veronica Benigno, je vais enseigner l'italien à Grenoble! Ecrivons-nous tout de suite! veronicabenigno@hotmail.com
edit- Danielle Soriano, from Brielle, NJ (the shore), Georgian Court University '04. I will be in a primary school in Cluses, near Annecy and Chamonix(2005-2006), . Contact: dsoriano21@hotmail.com
- Jessica Rowan, from Jefferson, NJ, Rutgers University '05. I taught at Lycee Emile Loubet in Valence. Contact: jess(dot)rowan(at)gmail.com
editJustine Derrick, UMBC class of 2003. Valence 2004-2005. derrick1@umbc.edu
editMiranda from California. Secondaire in Petit Bourg and Baie Mahault, Guadeloupe. currie.miranda (at) gmail.com
editLindsey Smith from Madison, Wisconsin. Have any tips for me? Email: smitli01@luther.edu
editSarah from England. Secondary school. sarahlwood@hotmail.com
editHey i'm Hana and i'll be in Lille from oct 2010! hana-little@hotmail.co.uk
Hey I'm Allison and I'll be in the Lille academie -- city is TBA. My email is allison.c.lindberg@gmail.com. There's a Facebook site for the 2010-11 Lille Academie: http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=107015806003130
editHi, my name's Joel Bain! I'm from Vancouver, BC, Canada! I'm working at Lycee Jean Bart in Dunkerque, France.
editHi my name is Christine, I'm from the United States, in New Hampshire. I have a degree in English and Hispanic Studies. I will be teaching at two colleges in Saint Omer, which is in the Calais/Dunkerque/sur mer area. My email is cmcar@conncoll.edu! Hope to hear from some of you!
Hello. My name is Laura from the UK and I will be working in two schools just outside of Lille. Hopefully will be living in the centre... laura_clare_snee@hotmail.co.uk
Hi, I'm Rachel. Coming from California to teach in Wattrelos at the College de Pablo Neruda. I just graduated from Sonoma State with a BA in Global Studies. I'm going to try to live in Lille Centre and commute to work. I'm on all the fun stuff: facebook, myspace, aim, msn...easy to contact ;) rjohnson2185@yahoo.com or johnsrac@sonoma.edu if searching on facebook. A bientot!
Lori Darragh from Canada :) Working and living in Douai! Search me on facebook would love to meet other language assistants!
editHallo! My name is Osvaldo Mendoza, and I'm from Panama City... not Florida, Central America,do you know the Canal? I have a Psychology Degree n love to work with kids. I'll b working in Dunkerque, a port n beach town 10km to the border with Belgium; I was assign to 3 highschools as a spanish assistant. Hopefully I could meet some or all of u, hv fun! You could contact me at facebook or myspace. ozzymaster@hotmail.com
Howdy. my name is Zachary Rudes. I am from Nowheresville, CT and i just graduated from Clark Univeristy in lovely Worcester, MA. I will be rocking secondary school in the academie of Lille. You can email me at zrudes@gmail.com or hit me up on facebook or myspace.
Hi! My name is Valerie and I am also from the state of Washington. I will be graduating from UW in Seattle this spring and will then be heading off to Lille to teach Secondaire next September. You can e-mail me at valerieheinzen@hotmail.com, but you won't find me on myspace, at 25 y.o. I consider myself to be a bit too old for it :) Can't wait to meet you all!
Hey! My name is Leslie and I live in New Jersey, New York and Texas. Just graduated from SUNY Geneseo with a degree in English and Psychology... and nope, not even a minor in French (yikes). I'll be teaching in 3 primary schools in what looks like Thumesnil/Ronchin. I'm open to any emails at FireDanser4@yahoo.com. See you all in Lille!
editTricia Williams from Warrens, Barbados. Looking forward to meeting any other assistants en route to Lille. Contact me @ appel_n_oranje@hotmail.com
Deborah and Andrew O'Malley from Ottawa, Ontario Canada. Looking forward to meeting other assistants and finding out info about accomodatin in Lille. deborahomalley@gmail.com
edit- Helen-Frances Sanders, HAZEBROUCK, Lycée des Flandres
hsanders at centenary dot edu
- Katharina Braun, i'm from Germany and i will be at Lycee Fénelon and Lycee Paul Duez at Cambrai, my e-mail is kathyb at gmx dot de
- Laura Reinhold, Avesnes-sur-Helpe, Lycée Jessé de Forest
- Ryan Trone, Arras, Lycée Gambetta- rtrone2@washcoll.edu- Let me know if you come to Arras, I'm interested in meeting new people !
- Lycée Fénélon Trevor Johnson
- Douai*
Tami D. - 3 primary schools in beautiful Sin-Le-Noble, France! you're gonna make it, learn to love Auchan.
editAnkur - av.ankur@yahoo.com - I'm from Bangalore, India. 7 months at Limoges; lycée
Marina- marina_deksia@hotmail.com I'm from Spain. oct-april at Limoges.
Tanner- (tanter787@hotmail.com) I'm an American coming from North Dakota. This is my second year in the Limousin area (Saint Yrieix la Perche). Please ask questions and if you are ever in need, I'm up for coffee!
editAlam Song - song.alam@gmail.com Hello! My name is Alam, I'm from Toronto, Ontario (Canada). I am in my last year of my studies, and will be a primary assistant in Limoges from 2010-2011. I'd love to hear from anyone who will also be placed in Limoges, or anyone in general who'd love to share their experience! Cheers.
Kristen Shubeck, from Central New Jersey. Like Callum, Lycee Leonard Limosin. Email me about lycee or college assistantship questions at kristen.shubeck@gmail.com
editCallum Smith - callumsmith1234@yahoo.co.uk. 7 Month in Lycée Léonard Limousin.
editRose DiGennaro rosedigennaro@yahoo.com nine month primary in Ussel
editSonal Pandya: look me up on myspace by my name - the profile name is perpl
editMichael Schmidt michael@ninersabroad.com Placed in Limoges
editJavi de Murcia, l'Espagne. Collège & Lycée à Saint-Chamond, tout près de St-Étienne. javiergomez_@hotmail.es
editAmanda from South Carolina. Secondary school. LaPlusHeureuseFille@Gmail.com
Salut! I am Joanna Mays from Olathe, KS (right outside of Kansas City). I just graduated from MidAmerica Nazarene University and I will be a primary school assistant. I'd love to hear from you! joannamays@gmail.com
editHi, I'm Dave from New Zealand currently on a 9 month primary school contract based in St Etienne (45 mins from Lyon). Have also lived in Strasbourg on ERASMUS. Any questions on any part of student / assistant life welcome. nomadic.kiwi@gmail.com.
editI'm Lori! Find me at www.myspace.com/lolololori - I'm going to be at the Martiniere Duchere in NW lyon.
edit<marquee>faizan wants to search a number location 033298991115 please tell mee. my mail adress is fazi_tel@yahoo.com and love_of_oasis@yahoo.com
editHi! My name is Angela Velo and I'll be in Martinique from september 2011! Add me on facebook if you want and we'll be in touch! My mail is: tauro_avp_@hotmail.com
editPDF of English assistants at Secondary Level
Isobel Grieve - i'm going to be in Martinique from September 2010 teaching in a primary school, not sure of the location yet though!! Add me on facebook if you are going too!!
editPDF of English assistants at Secondary Level
editPDF of English assistants at Secondary Level
editPDF of English assistants at Secondary Level
editPDF of English assistants at Secondary Level
Bonjour, my name is Heidi Fulmer and I'll be an English Assistant in Le Lamentin, Martinique at Lycee Acajou 2. I am from Washington, PA but am currently living in Boston, MA until I leave on September 25th for Martinique(AirFrance out of Miami @ 9:30am). As of right now, I plan living in the room provided for me at the school; however, I would like some insight from any former Acajou 2 assistants as to what that entails. I might be open to getting an apartment with some locals or some other assistants in the Lamentin area. If you are going to be in the Lamentin area, let me know. missheidihelene@yahoo.com
Hi my name is Maggie. I'm going to be in Pointe des Negres, Martinique from 27 sept 2005. Mail me at bbqkelly@yahoo.com
editHi, my name's Yovanna and I'm from Montreal, Canada. I'll be teaching in a primary school in Nîmes for 7 months. To contact me you can add me on skype: blinknfall. Thanks!
editHi! My name is Stephanie and I'm from Boston, MA. I'll be in Montpellier next year! I would love to meet past, current, and new assistants as well, and would love to have any advice from those in the area. My email is stedesco@clarku.edu.
editHi, my name is Danielle. I am from Jamaica. I'll be teaching in a primary school for nine months in Perpignan and would love to meet past and new assistants who have lived and worked in this area. Contact me at daniel_gayle@yahoo.com
Hi, my name is Neha & I'm from New Delhi.I'll be teaching in Montpellier in a lycee for a duration of 7 months.Would love to stay in touch with other assistants.Contact me:neha27_bahl@yahoo.com
editPerpignan, close to Montpellier- Teaching assistant for primary also for 2007-2008. From Portland,Oregon. Looking forward to the next year...and ofcourse would love to hear from anyone else in the same academie.....e-mail is: ba_christine@hotmail.com
editI'm Meghan Hoke from NH. To reiterate what everyone else has already said, I'd love to hear from any assistant (either future, current or past). You can get in touch with me via email: meghan.hoke (at) gmail.com.
Nicholas Hoyte from Christ Church, Barbados. I'll be at LGT Georges Clemenceau, near the centre-ville. Contact me at: NHoyte@gmail.com. Feel free to also join the following Yahoo! group: groups.yahoo.com/group/montpellierassistants/. A bientôt!
editHi. It's Anna, assistant in primaire. annakristin@email.com
editVerónica Cortés from Valencia (Spain). I'm going to Metz and Pont-à-Mousson. If you are interested in contacting me or the other assistants for l'Académie Nancy-Metz,join the facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_179764975416614&ap=1 See you! :)
editRichard George from Lansdale, PA. 7-month contract at a lycée in Verdun (-sur-Meuse). Looking forward to good cheese and good wine. Send me an email if you'll be in the area; I always appreciate a new contact. BillyTheBanana(at)gmail(dot)com
editHi my name is Preeti Gill from San Francisco and I have a 7 month contract. Nancy/Metz is beautiful. Ive been there 3 times. If your also going to be there, you can contact me at remyrims@yahoo.com. I already know people there so if you would like to meet up, that would be great!
Hello, my name is Brianne Hester from Arkansas and I'll be teaching secondaire in Nancy-Metz, for seven months. I've never been to that part of France, but I have spent some time on the left side of Belgium. Everyone keeps telling me how beautiful the Lorraine region is, so I hope they're right. My contact info is brianne_hester@hotmail.com. Feel free to email!
Autumn- from Delaware- secondaire for 7 months- autumnehoffman@gmail.com
Hi, my name is Megan Bryden. I'm from St. Louis and I will be in Longwy for the 7 month secondaire contract. I have never been to that part of France, so I'm not too sure what to expect. My email is mbryden@gmail.com
editTimm Fijalkovich from Cleveland, OH. timmfiji@gmail.com . I will be teaching at Lycée Hôtelier Raymond Mondon in Metz.
Meg Garner from York, PA. I will be a primary school assistant for 9 months. Feel free to email me garnerme@wlu.edu with any bonnes idees!
Chris Fortin from Cincinnati, Ohio. I'll be teaching in Nancy (or Nancy suburbs) for a 9 month contract. My students will be from 9 – 11 years old. I would love to hear from other assistants! camf82001@gmail.com is the email. à plus!
Gloria Osoba from Phoenix, Arizona. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. I will be teaching at Lycee Jean Zay.
Gabriel Krieshok from Lawrence, Kansas. Email: gabriel.krieshok@gmail.com Teaching Lycée in Forbach.
edit===2012-2013 Victoria Tamayo, de Colombie. Je suis assistante d'espagnol à Chantonnay (Vendée) à 70 Km de Nantes. victoria88tamayo@gmail.com
editSimon Gardner from Melbourne, Australia. I didn't want to be the first person going to Nantes to put my thing up here, so I was waiting, but, what the hell hey? You can reach me on simig@hotmail.com if you wish to get in touch! I'll be in Paris from the 18th of September until the 28th of September, so if anyone wants to get a drink or see some of the sights with me, let me know!
editCherlez Philip from Trinidad, West Indies contact me at cherlezphilip@hotmail.com
Francis Fisher from Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK - I'll be teaching at the Lycee La Coliniere, and can be reached at ayatollah10@hotmail.com
edit[Lycee Malraux - in Le Mans] Kerranna WILLIAMSON from Charleston, SC (USA). contact me at kbwilliamson@gmail.com
Pavneet Kaur SONI from New Delhi, India. I'll be teaching in Lycee A. et J. Renoir, in Angers. contact me at pavi.soni@gmail.com
Lesline Davis from Jamaica, West Indies. Dont have my school yet though. leslinedavis@yahoo.com
Deanna from Canada - I'll be teaching College in La Baule. If you are around there you can contact me at deannella@hotmail.com
Vanessa PADOVANI from Canada! - I'll be teaching at LGT Jean Bodin in Les Ponts de Cé, but will be living in Angers, contact me at vanessa.padovani@utoronto.ca
editRachel Elin from Congers, NY. Email: RachelElin@gmail.com I'm really looking forward to next year! Feel free to email with any insight
Miriam Belblidia from Gaithersburg, MD. E-Mail: mbelblidia@gmail.com. Can't wait to meet you all!
Jessica B from Australia Email jessica (dot) badke (at) gmail (dot) com . Was placed in ecole elementaire du centre, Lucon. Will live in France for 2008-9 year as well about an hour away if you want to contact me.
editHello! This is Morgan Frances Campbell. I will be the teaching assistant in Nantes. morganfcampbell@hotmail.com
Amelia Kissick- Primaire in Nantes. askiss@wm.edu
Jennifer Tompkins tomp0023@yahoo.com, placed in Challans (45 min SW of Nantes) From Minneapolis MN
New Caledonia
editHey there!!! Very much excited to have got this opportunity to bathe in the sun, but in France now trying to organise everything for the offer on the other side of the world!?!? learning to love the system... BIZ.... Hugo from Australia hugonotvictor@hotmail.com
editPaulo - Assistant in Toulon tokyo97@gmail.com
Annie- South Carolina- annabella1415@gmail.com
editHi I'm Mugdha Pandey from INdia, I'll be teaching at LGT Dumont D'Urville at Toulon, any one who has already worked or is going to work, can contact me at mugdha_cancer@yahoo.co.in
My name is *Dominique Patrice Madagwa*, I am from Chicago, Illinois and I will be teaching in Toulon for 9 months at E.E.PU Charles Sandro. ; )
Coucou! I've been the English assistant at the Lycée du Golfe de St. Tropez since October. I live in the States (Connecticut)and originally from Colombia/Venezuela. Feel free to e-mail me if you've been assigned to my position for 2009-2010 at sarah.a.rendon@gmail.com.
editMy name is Ashley. I'm from Salt Lake City, Utah and will be teaching dans un lycee for 7 months in a city called La Seyne Sur Mer. I would love to talk to and meet other assistants going to the area! jenexistepas@yahoo.com
Hello, my name is Holly. I will be teaching at the IUFM level in Nice. Please email me so we can talk about France! hmhill24@aol.com
Hi, I'm Liz from Philadelphia. I'll be teaching at l'ecole primaire Aubanel in Frejus, and living in the city right next to it, Saint Raphael. wagner.lizzie AT gmail DOT com
editHi my name is Rebecca McLaughlin and I'll be in Nice, anyone else who will be there feel free to get in touch at rebecca_christine_mclaughlin@yahoo.fr *ciao
editCledicianne Dorvil angel2317@hotmail.com, placed in Nice for the 04-05 school year
editAlicia feliz ( alhi87@hotmail.com) from Spain will be teaching in Romoramtin ( facebook's groupe : Assistants de langue dans l'academie de Tours-Orléans 2011/2012 )
editMeg from Madison, WI, USA. m.hesness@hotmail.com
editA. HUTCHINS from Illinois (WIU). Will be teaching in Nogent-le-Rotrou (Eure et Loir department). Can find me on www.assistantsinfrance.com/forums as AM-Hutchins.
editCourtney from Chicago/Northwestern. I'll be teaching secondaire for 7 months.
Robin from Philadelphia/Portland/Reed. I'll be teaching primaire for 9 months. leogoesrawr AT gmail DOT com
Megan from Sydney. Primaire 9 months. emelsy@hotmail.com
Ayo from New York City. I will be teaching primaire for 9 months. caonikute@yahoo.com
Anna from Eugene/University of Oregon. I'll be teaching primaire for 7 months. Feel free to contact me if you'll be in the area! annawri@gmail.com
Cody from Dallas, Texas. Will be teaching lycée in Tours. Feel free to contact me! cwcerv@gmail.com
editAlan Brenner from Bethesda, MD. Email: brenneralan@hotmail.com I will be in the tours orleans assistant program starting in october. email if you want to talk or are attending the same academie. salut! brenneralan@hotmail.com
Emily Pauli from Peoria Heights, IL. E-mail at ekpauli@hotmail.com I'll be in the primary school as the main teacher (any class controlling tips?!) in the Tour/Orleans academy.
Meredith Birmingham from Canton, OH. Email: mbirming@gmail.com I'll be in one or more secondary schools!
Carey Ostergard from Dallas, TX. Email: Carey_ceo@hotmail.com Salut! I was placed in the Tour/Orleans academie as a primary school teacher. Feel free to Email me anytime- I am excited to talk with other new assistants!
Teresa Dunn from Ann Arbor MI - Lycee A. Thierry (Blois) tess@teresajodunn.com
Matthew H. Evans - I'll be an assistant in Tours starting in october. I must apologize for not introducing myself to everyone via email, I've just been a bit overwhelmed by everything in my mail box. But my email is matthewharryevans@gmail.com and i'm on face book.
Anna Barker from Seattle, WA - Georges Besse and Lycee A. de Vigny (Loches) vinette26@hotmail.com
edithello\ fellow assistants. my name is sarah and i'm from chapel hill. next year, i'll be teaching les bebes in/around tours somewhere. to anyone else from caroline du nord or headed to tours-orleans, my email is cestsaytay@hotmail.com
editSusan from Boston, Ma. I am teaching ecole secondaire for 7 months. Please e-mail susaninfrance@gmail.com we can support each other while out there.
Cristina Perez from NYC. I'm teaching primary school in Versailles. E-mail: shakticristi@yahoo.com. A bientot!
Joy from Michigan, ecole secondaire, academie de Paris, joycarolann@hotmail.com
editBradley Raven from Atlanta, GA. yvesbaguette@hotmail.com , secondaire contract, also student at Langues'O (INALCO).
editHi. My name is Martin. I am german assistant in Paris. I did it also last year. Another assistant website: www.vivre-a-paris.com [1] martin_vienne@yahoo.de
editSarah C: tootdoux@hotmail.com, primary school teacher in Niort 12 hrs. From Washington State.
Laura S: kashmirsweater@gmail.com
9 mo primairie asst in La Rochelle; originally from Kansas
Pamela G: pamela.garratt@hotmail.co.uk 7 month Secondary Assistant in Angouleme. Living and working at the Lycee de l'image et du son (9h) and also working at the College Pierre Bodet (3h). From Scotland, Get In Touch!!
Jessica B jessica (dot) badke (at) gmail (dot) com Maitre de langue at the fac de pharmacie et de medecine a Poitiers. Living in Niort
Lee D: neuf months primary in La Rochelle, d'Arkansas, leonedavis(at)gmail(dot)com
emily B - ebreines@gmail.com 6 months in college and lycee in St D'Angely.
Shannon S: shannon_soesbe(at)hotmail(dot)com 6 month IUFM assistant in Poitiers. From Iowa, USA.
editShelly Contact: michellejackson@bluebottle.com I will be an assistant in Châtellerault (and Lenclôitre, and Mirebeau) in Fall 2006
Trevor Keck from San Diego, Ca. Email: Keck100@chapman.edu; Email if you are in the same area, want to talk about the program/France or if any former assistants have any good advice. Merci.
Jessica from NY Email: jjt238@gmail.com I'd love to hear from other assistants.
Kathryn Dean from Louisville, KY (but currently in Tuscaloosa, AL) If you are near me, let me know! dean025@bama.ua.edu
Bill West (Loveland, CO). I'll be in Poitiers in 2006 - CAN'T WAIT. billmwest@msn.com
editNadine Peever from Columbus, Georgia. Contact: nadine.peever@gmail.com
editDeborah Klodowski from Pittsburgh PA, Lycée Marc Chagall in Reims. Contact: dklodowski1@gmail.com
editShillyboy Letsoalo from South Africa (Limpopo, Polokwane), I was an assistant at Lycée Clemenceau for 05-06. This year I'm a lecteur at a university. smlets at yahoo.com
edit- Hi, my name's Dave, from the Boston area via the University of Maryland, College Park. I'm going to be at LGT Chrestien de Troyes for 2005-2006. If you want to get in touch, drop me an e-mail at dja215@gmail.com.
- Hi, My name is Shillyboy, and I'm from South Africa. I am an assistant at Lycée Clemenceau for 2005-2006. Anyone who would like to contact me can do so on smlets@yahoo.com
editLauren from Knoxville, TN teaching at LP Coetlogon in Rennes. Contact me at lauren.oschman@gmail.com.
editSalut!!!! I am Aditi Gupta from the "INCREDIBLE INDIA",i'll be teaching secondary level at Lycee Ernest Renan,St. Brieuc,feel free to contact me at aditi_gupta03@yahoo.com
Allison, from St. Louis, MO. I'll be at Lycee Rabelais in Saint Brieuc.
Jerrod, from Athens, OH. I'm teaching at Lycée Beaumont in Redon. Yayyyy.
Marie, from Halifax, NS, Canada. I'll be teaching in Auray. marie519@gmail.com
Stefanie, from Washington, DC (by way of NJ and Fordham U). I'll be teaching at Lycée Marcelin Berthélot in Questembert - between Vannes and Redon. stefy53846@hotmail.com
Yuri Cartier, from California, working at Lycée Descartes, Rennes.
editMolly from Minneapolis/Memphis (graduate of Indiana University). I'll be teaching secondaire for 7 months in the academy of Rennes - still waiting on specific school/location info. Looking forward to meeting people headed to the region! mmwynn@gmail.com
James from Seattle/NYU. I'll be teaching in a lycée in Lanester, a suburb of Lorient, located on the coast directly between Brest and Nantes. I hope other assistants will be nearby! jamesbothom@hotmail.com
editSalut! I'm Leah from CT, was a 7 month primaire assistant in Rennes in 04-05 and had the best time ever. This time around, I'll be a 9 month primaire assistant in Vitre, but living in Rennes. So excited!!! For questions or whatever, you can email me at leah.honiberg<at>gmail.com
Salut! I'm Léna from OH, and I'll be a 7 month secondaire assistant in the Rennes Academie! Email: lkavalia@bw.edu
Hi my name is Cynthia and I'll be a primary school assistant for nine months somewhere in the academy of Rennes. I'd like to be in contact with someone else who will be an assistant in the same academy or who has already participated in the program. perezcyn@gmail.com
Yuri Cartier, from California, working at Lycée Lesage, Vannes.
Hi, I'm Samantha and I live in Vannes (SW Brittany) - I was a primary assistant last year and am hoping to renew my contract this year. Feel free to send me an email at tuck0066 @ yahoo dot com, I can't wait to find out where everyone's been placed!
editHi. I'm Allison. I'm going to be teaching somewhere around Renne 05-06. Get in touch with me at mose0123@umn.edu. I'm from Minneapolis.
Niall Moran from Ireland. I taught in St Leu. Message me at niallmoran7@gmail.com
editNiall Moran from Ireland. I taught in St Leu. Message me at niallmoran7@gmail.com
editVanessa Lea from Melbourne, Aust. I'll be a primary school assistant for 9 months in one school in St Louis. I worked in Compiegne, France as an au pair a few years ago. If anyone wants to chat about la Reunion or Compiegne, send me an email at vanessa.lea at gmail dot com
editHi I'm Kevin. I'm going to be teaching in Ste Clotilde (near st denis) in a lycee and a college. My email is kevingpoconnor at gmail dot com.
editRachel Bahn: 2004-2005
editEric from Grand Rapids, MI teaching somewhere in Rouen emr4@students.calvin.edu
editHi, my name is Neha and I'm from Philadelphia, PA, USA. I'll be teaching English at two schools (collèges) in Le Havre. I would love to hear from anyone and everyone and if anyone ever wants to get together or travel or need a place to stay, please don't hesitate in contacting me at nehahaha {at} gmail {dot} com. Looking forward to hearing from you!
editTalia from Seattle/Portland. I'll be teaching secondaire (for 7 mo.) at two schools in Darnetal and Canteleu, just outside of Rouen. Totally would love to hook up with other assistants to hang out/travel. talgal17@hotmail.com
Glencora from Baton Rouge. I'll be teaching secondaire for 7 mois at two schools in Gisor and Entrepagny, halfway between Paris and Rouen. I would love to chill out with some other assistants to travel with! glennydancer@msn.com
editHi, My name is Conswalia and I've taught in Le Havre. You are welcome to contact me for information and tips. conswaliamarie@yahoo.com
editHannah Canel- I will be teaching in Le Havre 2005-06 & 2006-07. email: hannahcanel@hotmail.com
editMicah, IUFM, from Louisville KY, but living in Sumoto Japan. micahj123@hotmail.com
Katy Alexander from Palo Alto, CA - katycalexander@gmail.com
Andie Groves from Topsham, ME andiegroves [@] gmail.com Lycee Alfred Kastler Guebwiller will be in Cairo Egypt next year
Anne Griffin-Appadoo from Perth, Australia. anne.griffin.appadoo@gmail.com
editLacie Rector from Dallas, TX Email: lacie.rector@gmail.com
edit2011-2012 Rachelle Sorin, 7 months lycee, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. rachellesorin@hotmail.com
editNandini Devare, 7 months lycee, unknown so far, from Bangalore, India. nandinidevare at yahoo dot com
Libby Wilson, 7 months, 2x collège and 1x lycée, Saint-Gaudens. From New Zealand. libby.k8 at gmail.com
Sarah Young, 7 months, lycée St. Sernin. From Toronto, Canada. sarahyoung_21@homtail.com
Emily Keizer, 7 months, collège - nothing else known so far!, from Grand Haven, MI ekeizer11@gmail.com
editSarah, 7 months primaire, Gourdon. From Colorado, USA. sarahmiller47@gmail.com
editAdrianne, 7 months primaire, Decazeville. From Arizona, USA. adrianne.garcia@hotmail.com
Sara, 7 months secondaire, Toulouse. Was an assistant in St-Affrique (Aveyron) 2007-2008. From Rochester, NY. feuerstein.sara@gmail.com
Taryn, 7 months secondaire, Albi. From Colorado, USA. davistb13@gmail.com.
Katie, 7 months secondaire, Lannemezan. From Philadelphia, USA. katherinerhilliard@gmail.com
editLaura, 9 months primaire. From Boston/ CT. laureliATgmailDOTcom
Sean, 7 months secondaire. From Edmonton AB, Canada. seanhillbilly AT hotmail DOT com
Annie, 7 months secondaire. From California, USA. bloomingivory AT yahoo DOT com
Taryn, 7 months secondaire, taught in Gourdon. From Colorado, USA. davistb13@gmail.com
editKerri from Chicago- mullen.kerri at gmail.com
Emma from Atlanta. I'm teaching in a small town near Tarbes. emma.gardner@yale.edu
Salut. I'll be in a Lycée in Auch, between Toulouse and Bourdeaux. - andrew.christie at gmail.com
editHi, I'm Emma Cooke from New Zealand. Will be in St Gaudens, SW of Toulouse. cookeemma at gmail dot com
- Emily Brouwer
- Alison Devine
- Liz McColloch
- Jesse Studer
- Nathan Hamblen
- Leland Scruby
- Soledad Rodriguez
- Ares Rubio Gil
editHello, I am Bethany. I hope to hear from any fellow future assistant soon! Contact me at bethany_lilly@hotmail.com.
editI'm the 1st here, my name is Osvaldo and was an assistant in Lille 2007-2008 (find my info there). I'll be and assistant this year in Versailles, hope to get the info pretty fasta averything looks "cher" if it is near to Paris,go luck!
Hi, my name is Iván Tkaczek and I'm an Argentinian student. i'll be at Versailles but I don't know the exact location. Anyway, I'm looking for other people to share somewhere to live. Feel free to contact me at ivantd@gmail.com Have a nice time!!!
I'm Courtney and my email is johnstco@gmail.com. My blog is eurocourt.blogspot.com. I will be living in Paris and teaching primary in Corbeil Essonnes.
I'm Katarina, from Sydney, Australia. My school is Lycee Louis Pastuer in Neuilly Sur Seine. Feel free to contact me at katarinakate@gmail.com.
editKristine Hanson from San Francisco, USA. 7 month placement at Jacques Prevert Lycée in Longjumeau. krishanson@gmail.com
Jon Roberts from Denver, Colorado, USA. 9 month placement in Cergy.
Adreann Price from California, USA. I have an LP placement at Jean Perrin, in Longjumeau beginning October 1, 2008. Please, past, present and future assistants contact me with any advice or if you would like meet upon arrival in France. I'm in Spain for the month of September getting CELTA certified. Will be in Paris after 9/28/2008. I will live in Paris and commute to my school, anyone who has info or tips about this scenario please do tell. adreannprice@hotmail.com.
Suzanne O'Donnell from Glasgow Scotland. 7 months placement at LPO Charles Petiet in Villenueve la Garenne, beginning October 1st. Any contact with fellow assistants for years past or present would be much appreciated. cfc_suzi_cfc_19@hotmail.com.
Betsy M from Chicago, USA. I have a 9 month primary school placement in Taverny, which is deceptively located north of Paris, but is in the Versailles region. My contract starts Oct. 1, and I'll be arriving shortly before that. I'd actually love to find people to run with. I plan on doing the Paris marathon in April, and any runners out there know some of those training runs can be lonely. email me if you're game!
Sophie Kerman from New York, USA. 7 month placement at LGT Montesquieu in Herblay (Val d'Oise). Any contact is definitely appreciated - I don't want to list my email in a public space, but Facebook me and all my contact info is listed.
Claire Fong from California. 7 month placement at Lycee EREA Toulouse Lautrec in Vaucresson. clairefong@hotmail.com
Kate Maguire-Rosier from Sydney, Aus. 7 months at Lycée Fragonard in l'Isle Adam (Val d'Oise). Plan to live round Gard du Nord and commute out too. Buzzz me- kate.maguire-rosier@students.mq.edu.au
Larissa McPhail from Winnipeg, Canada. 7-month placement at Lycée Marie Curie in Sceaux (92). I'm living at the school and am only a few kilometers from Paris. Any info from past or current assistants is always welcome! Facebook me for contact info.
editChad, 7 months secondaire. From St. Louis, MO. Charlesgkimjr@gmail.com
editHi, I'm Marla Zubel from UC Santa Cruz. I will be somewhere within the Academie de Versailles. I would like to find someone to share a room with in Paris so i can afford to commute and eat. It will be my first time in France. I would love to make contact with other assistants before heading over there. mzubel@ucsc.edu
Denica Beaton from Brooklyn NY , living in the Bay Area (Northern California) 06-07 driven1932@yahoo.com
Hi! I'm B. J. McDuffie (I'm a girl btw) and I'll be in the Versaille Academie too! I studied abroad in Paris a couple of years ago and have family in the area, so I have some connections.... I would love to find people to share a flat with! I'm about to graduate from Hunter college in NYC and move back to Iowa for the summer... so the best way to reach me is email: bjmcduffie@hotmail.com
editIm Becca and am going to be an assistant in Marly-le-Roi starting in October-is anyone else going there?
Wallis et Futuna
editBecca email is beccadaniel@hotmail.com