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  1. Rene, you forgot to close <body> tag in the video :(
  2. <td> is named so because it represents table data cell.

And for me it is strange to hear when you increase the speed of your speech =) --oleamm (discusscontribs) 23:15, 17 November 2013 (UTC)Reply

Inspect element on a web browser.


So often we go to a webpage that allow us to log in using an username and password via different browsers. For instance: With G-mail log in page after I type my username and password, at that moment before logging in to the mail account if I right click on the password field to inspect element on the browser(Google Chrome) I see something like this <input id="Passwd" name="Passwd" type="password" placeholder="Password" class="">. Now on the type field if I change the "password" to "text" it actually reveals the password instead of asterisks. By following this step people can easily acquire our valuable information from the web browser.

Is there any way to prevent this type of stuff in the browser? --Arefin (discusscontribs) 15:26, 19 November 2013 (UTC)Reply

Personally, I don't know of a sane way to prevent this. I would not want to waste time on this, because in that case, it would be the user's fault, who has left his computer unsecured with a password entered. Technically speaking, you could directly transmit every key press and store/evaluate it. This way, the server (which must have established a session beforehand with the user) knows every entered key and could prevent the browser from displaying it. The prevention could be done e.g. with client-side JavaScript or something even more nasty like a Flash-based form.
tl;dr: It should be possible to implement this using additional technology but it is not worth it at all. It is of much more use that passwords get transmitted (as a hash by client-side) through a fully encrypted connection.--Onse (discusscontribs) 13:22, 24 November 2013 (UTC)Reply
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