
Latest comment: 1 month ago by Lbeaumont in topic The Anatomy of Superhabits

Candidate Values


Here are lists of values that are candidates for inclusion:

Rush Kidder Values: love, truthfulness, fairness, freedom, unity, tolerance, responsibility, respect for life.

Maslow B-values: wholeness, perfection, completion, justice, aliveness, richness, simplicity, beauty, goodness, uniqueness, effortlessness, playfulness, truth, honesty, reality, and self-sufficiency

Christopher Peterson and Katherine Dahlsgaard study: Wisdom and knowledge, courage, love and humanity, justice, temperance, and spirituality and transcendence. (These are amplified by the “signature strengths” work. See: )

The 12 Schwartz values: Achievement, Benevolence, Conformity, Hedonism, Power, Security, Self-Direction, Stimulation, Tradition, Universalism See:

The 48 positive human characteristics that have been associated with wisdom. See:

From “A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues” : politeness, fidelity, prudence, temperance, courage, justice, generosity, compassion, mercy, gratitude, humility, simplicity, tolerance, purity, gentleness, good faith, humor, love.

Object Types:


Clarify the distinctions between the following terms and concepts: Virtues, strengths, values, goals, tasks, activities, projects, problems, human needs, opportunity, or solutions.

Color Wheel and Virtues Structure


Three primary colors can be combined to create the many thousands of colors we can perceive. These can be arranged into elegant structures such as the color wheel or the HSB model. Shalom H. Schwartz has developed the Universal theory of human values which arranges human values in to an elegant structure. Is such a structure known for virtues?



Consider adding a list of vices to provide contrast. See, for example page 41 of "a theory of virtue"

Malace, including cruelty, envy, hatred, and vindictiveness (perhaps mitigated by sincere belief in the value of retributive justice).

Ruthlessness -- indifference to harming others to achieve your own (selfish) ends by any means -- disregard for the good of others.

Indifference -- eg careless behavior that results in harm to another.

(a common theme seems to be causing or allowing harm to another person). --Lbeaumont 21:09, 1 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Performance Virtues


It may be helpful to separate "moral virtues" from "performance virtues" (e.g. some from Ben Franklin's list). These (or something very close to these) are called "motivational" virtues and "structural" virtues, respectively, in p 32 of "A theory of virtue". --Lbeaumont 18:11, 4 October 2011 (UTC)Reply



Address KOHLBERG'S STAGES OF MORAL DEVELOPMENT, see: and also: Consider addressing this under the "moral integration" candidate virtue. --Lbeaumont 19:29, 5 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Bumper Sticker Slogans


Would it be helpful to compose "Bumper Sticker Slogans" for each of the candidate virtues? It might provide students a memory device for recalling a core or essential definition of each. The downside might be mistaking the bumper sticker for the subtly and complexity of each virtue. --Lbeaumont (talk) 14:54, 5 July 2012 (UTC)Reply

Rotation of Axis?


It seems this (traditional) set of virtues is fraught with exceptions based on interdependencies among particular virtues. I wonder if some other set of virtues, derived by some “rotation of axis” or other transformation or fresh point of view could lead to a simpler set of “rules to live by”. Can we remove the epicycles? --Lbeaumont (talk) 21:04, 28 August 2012 (UTC)Reply

Do Great speeches appeal to virtue?


Begin with a selection of great speeches such as the Gettysburg address and I have a dream. Analyze the text to identify appeals to various virtues. How can such insight improve our critical analysis of other speeches and our own speech writing? --Lbeaumont (talk) 13:39, 30 September 2012 (UTC)Reply

Seeking a Minimal Spanning Set


Can some list of virtues be demonstrated to form a minimal spanning set? To prove this the following questions need to be answered:

  1. Is the listed attribute truly a virtue?
  2. Is there some virtue that is not listed?
  3. Are any listed virtues redundant with others on the list?

--Lbeaumont (talk) 13:41, 30 September 2012 (UTC)Reply



I would like to include one compelling image on each page of this course. I don’t like the Greek statues included in Wikipedia on many of these topics. If you have any suggestions for images concepts please let me know. --Lbeaumont (talk) 14:55, 19 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Expanding to cover more virtues?


The course appears to be 80-90% based on a single book (A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life). Is there any plans to expand it to cover more than a brief sampling of other virtues / collection of virtues?n(Question sent via email from user Ghrae)

In designing the course an early decision had to be made regarding what specific virtues would be discussed in depth. I had difficulty locating references to help with this decision. When I came across the book "A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues" I felt the list of virtues it covered was a good starting point. I adopted that book's 18 virtues, and added 2 more. In researching each virtue I strived to consult a variety of references. For wisdom, I was able to draw in the considerable resources at the Wisdom Pages. The courage module draws primarily on the book “The Mystery of Courage”. The justice module takes advantage of the justiceharvard lectures. In general I worked to read one or two books dedicated to each virtue to increase the depth of my understanding of that virtue before writing each module. I was not successful in every case. I have listed several books for “further reading” for most of the virtues. I have read each of these books and draw upon them in the various modules. Finally, there is the section on “Other Systems of Virtues.” Here I survey other compendiums of virtues, and then reconcile the lists in detail before inviting the student to suggest their own list. I am certainly open to broadening the basis for the course. If you can suggest specific references I should study to improve the course I sill appreciate it. --Lbeaumont (discusscontribs) 02:18, 10 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Inner awareness Virtues


It's important to keep in mind the purposes behind any depiction of virtues. Sardello's inventory of virtues (linked below) relate to inner awareness in soul-spirit modes of orientation and perception. Both relate directly to the human feeling life (of inner sensing, feeling, and imagining); thus, interior felt presence (which is the orientation of "aesthesis," see James Hillman for explication).

Here's the link:

The virtues (now) covered in the course are interpersonal. The virtues on the list linked above, that are not covered in the course (e.g devotion, equanimity, patience) are intrapersonal.

(This entry was adapted from a personal email by. --Lbeaumont (discusscontribs) 19:34, 18 January 2019 (UTC) )Reply

Kindness Curriculum


Evaluate the "Kindness Curriculum" provided by the Center for Healthy Minds. See: Consider including relevant materials. --Lbeaumont (discusscontribs) 23:01, 20 February 2019 (UTC)Reply

Nicomachean Ethics


Integrate the Nicomachean Ethics into the course. --Lbeaumont (discusscontribs) 11:44, 10 April 2020 (UTC)Reply

The Anatomy of Superhabits


Andrew Abela has created a fascinating illustration of superhabits. He includes some performance virtues, such as persistence, in his list. Persistence makes Lex Luthor an excellent villain, but not an excellent human. Consider including this list of superhabits in the section on Other systems of Virtues. Lbeaumont (discusscontribs) 12:55, 20 November 2024 (UTC)Reply

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