Talk:Psycholinguistics/Aphasia Rehabilitation

Peer Review

Research The research in your chapter seems to be very well done. You have a wide variety of research that you have properly cited throughout your. Further your “aphasia sites of interest” section is a good addition to your chapter and allows the reader to pursue their interest.

Logic/Organization Your chapter is outlined in a logic fashion. By providing the origins and history of the topic first and then moving into the different methods used today is a great way to organise this topic. However a conclusion section could be useful to sum up the information in the chapter. This could include any possible research occurring in the field (if this can be found), it could incorporate your new trends section that you have already made, or it could explain which method of rehabilitation is most widely used and why this is so.

Analysis/Integration Overall your sections are good but could use further discussion of the topics. This is mostly seen in the “Different Approaches” section. For most of the methods you provide a good definition of the approach but further information could be given. This could include the effectiveness of each method and percentage of success, how long rehabilitation typically takes for each method and why a certain approach would be used rather than another. A great example of this is your section on “Cognitive Neuropsychological Approach.” If it is a problem that there is little research and work done in the other methods of rehabilitation than perhaps just explain that when you are defining about them so the reader can focus on the more important and more widely used methods.

Another thing to be careful about is bring up things and then not explaining them. In the “Focus Today” section you brought up “Western Aphasia Battery,” stated its use but never explained how it works, which could be helpful to the reader.

Answer Questions/Makes Argument Your chapter answer the question of what is Aphasia Rehabilitation. However it does not answer the questions of how it was developed or which method is best used today. By providing an outline of the steps taken in history to get aphasia rehabilitation to where it is today and further explanation of approaches that I mentioned above could allow for these things to be answered. For the history sections, including information such as; who are the major contributors that made aphasia rehabilitation what it is today? What research did they do? And so on would be of great use to a reader.

Writing Style As with all first drafts, it would be a good idea for you to read over your chapter and make sure all of your sentences make sense and are easily read. For the most part they are but at time I found myself reading a sentence a couple of times to understand what you were trying to say. I especially found this in your last section “Book Clubs”, I knew what you wanted to say but I found your wording a bit confusing and it seemed that you were missing some words.

Overall your chapter is a good introduction to the aphasia rehabilitation. However by adding the historical development and further explanation of the rehabilitation approaches, you could make greatly improve on this chapter.

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