Talk:PlanetPhysics/Vladimir G Drinfeld

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\emph{Vladimir Gershonovich Drinfel'd} (born 1954) Ukrainian mathematician and mathematical physicist.

Drinfel'd amongst other new \htmladdnormallink{concepts}{} introduced quantum groups, indicating also the connection between the quasi-triangular \htmladdnormallink{Hopf algebras}{} and solutions of the \htmladdnormallink{Quantum Yang-Baxter equations}{} involving the R-matrix in reverse scattering problems. Subsequently, \htmladdnormallink{quantum groups}{} have become a \htmladdnormallink{field}{} of thorough mathematical investigation and the construction of \htmladdnormallink{finite quantum groups}{} from Hopf algebras or, more recently, from Hopf \htmladdnormallink{C*-algebras}{} has been carried out in detail {\em via} Fourier transformation as such finite \htmladdnormallink{groups}{} are dual to certain Hopf C*-algebras. Then, he introduced the quantum double construction that will lead later to quantum \htmladdnormallink{supergroups}{} and quantized enveloping \htmladdnormallink{superalgebras}{} that play a role in developing supersymmetric \htmladdnormallink{quantum gravity theories}{}. Drinfel'd modules and Drinfel'd twists are also named after him.

Vladimir Gershonovich Drinfel'd was awarded and accepted at 36 the Fields medal, in 1990.


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