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%%% This file is part of PlanetPhysics snapshot of 2011-09-01
%%% Primary Title: supersymmetry
%%% Primary Category Code: 00.
%%% Filename: Supersymmetry.tex
%%% Version: 1
%%% Owner: bci1
%%% Author(s): bci1
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\emph{Supersymmetry} or Poincar\'e, (extended) \htmladdnormallink{quantum symmetry}{} is usually defined as an extension of ordinary \htmladdnormallink{spacetime}{} symmetries obtained by adjoining $N$ spinorial \htmladdnormallink{generators}{} $Q$ whose anticommutator yields a
translation generator: $\left\{Q ,Q \right\} = \left\{P\right\}$.

As further explained in ref. \cite{JSG98}:
``This \emph{(super)} symmetry...(of the \emph{\htmladdnormallink{superspace}{}})... can be realized on ordinary \htmladdnormallink{fields}{} (that are defined as certain \htmladdnormallink{functions}{} of physical spacetime(s)) by transformations that mix \htmladdnormallink{bosons}{} and \htmladdnormallink{fermions}{}.
\emph{Such realizations suffice to study supersymmetry (one can write invariant actions, etc.) but are as
cumbersome and inconvenient as doing \htmladdnormallink{vector}{} calculus component by component. A compact alternative to this `component field' approach is given by the \emph{superspace--superfield} approach}", which is defined next.

\emph{Quantum superspace, or superspacetimes}, can be defined as an extension(s) of ordinary spacetime(s) to include
additional anticommuting coordinates, for example, in the form of $N$ two-component Weyl \htmladdnormallink{spinors}{} $\theta$.

\emph{(Quantum) \htmladdnormallink{superfields}{}} $\Psi(x , \theta)$ are \emph{functions} defined over such superspaces, or superspacetimes.
\htmladdnormallink{Taylor series}{} expansions of the superfield functions can be then performed with respect to the anticommuting coordinates $\theta$; this Taylor series has only a finite number of terms and the series expansion
coefficients obtained in this manner are the ordinary `component fields' specified above.

Supersymmetry is expected to be manifested, or \htmladdnormallink{observable}{}, in such superspaces, that is, the \emph{supersymmetry algebras} are represented by translations and rotations involving \emph{both} the spacetime and the anticommuting coordinates. Then, the transformations of the `component fields' can be computed from the Taylor expansion of
the \emph{translated and rotated superfields}. Especially important are those transformations that mix boson
and fermion symmetries; further details are found in ref. \cite{LS2k}.

J.S. Gates, Jr, et al. ``Superspace''.,  arxiv-hep-th/0108200 preprint (1983).

``Preprint of 1,001 Lessons in Supersymmetry.'' \htmladdnormallink{on line PDF}{}.


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