Talk:PlanetPhysics/Spin Networks and Spin Foams

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%%% Primary Title: spin networks and spin foams
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%%% Filename: SpinNetworksAndSpinFoams.tex
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%%% Owner: bci1
%%% Author(s): bci1
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 \begin{definition} \emph{\htmladdnormallink{spin networks}{}} are one-dimensional $CW$ complexes consisting of quantum \htmladdnormallink{spin}{} states of \htmladdnormallink{particles}{}, defined by elements of Pauli \htmladdnormallink{matrices}{} represented as vertices of a directed \htmladdnormallink{graph}{} or network, and with the edges of the network representing the connections, or links, between such quantum spin states.

\begin{remark} \textbf{On current \emph{formal} definitions of spin networks.}
For quantum \htmladdnormallink{systems}{} with known standard symmetry formal definitions of spin networks have also been reported in terms
of \htmladdnormallink{symmetry group}{} \htmladdnormallink{representations}{}. An example of such a formal definition in terms of \htmladdnormallink{Lie group}{} representations on \htmladdnormallink{Hilbert spaces}{} of quantum states and \htmladdnormallink{operators}{} is provided next.

\emph{Spin networks} are formally defined here for quantum systems with `standard'* \htmladdnormallink{quantum symmetry}{} in terms of Lie group ($G_L$) \htmladdnormallink{irreducible representations}{} on complex Hilbert spaces $\H$ of quantum states and \htmladdnormallink{observable}{} operators; such representations are precisely defined by special \htmladdnormallink{group}{} \htmladdnormallink{homomorphisms}{} as follows.
Consider $Re$ as a Lie group $G_L$, and also consider the complex Hilbert space $\H$ to be $B[\H]$, the group of bounded \htmladdnormallink{linear operators}{} of $\H$ which have a bounded inverse, and more specifically to be $L^2(Re)$.
Then, one defines the \emph{$G_L$-representation} as the group homomorphism $\rho: Re \to B[L^2(Re)]$ with
$\rho(r): \left\{f(x)\right\} \mapsto f(r^{-1}x)$, where $r \in Re$ and $f(x) \in L^2(Re)$.

*The word `standard' is employed here with the meaning of the \htmladdnormallink{Standard Model of physics}{} (\htmladdnormallink{SUSY}{}) which does \emph{not}
include either \emph{\htmladdnormallink{quantum gravity}{}} or its \htmladdnormallink{extended quantum symmetries}{}.

\begin{definition} \emph{\htmladdnormallink{spin foams}{}} are \htmladdnormallink{two-dimensional}{} $CW$ complexes representing two local
spin networks as described in \textbf{Definition 0.1} with quantum transitions between them; \emph{spin foams} are sometimes also represented by \htmladdnormallink{functors}{} of spin networks considered as (small) \htmladdnormallink{categories}{} (\emph{viz.} Baez and Dollan,1998a,b; \cite{BAJ-DJ98a, BAJ-DJ98b}).

For the sake of completeness, let us recall here the following

\begin{definition} a \emph{$CW$ complex}, $X_c$ is a \htmladdnormallink{topological}{} space which is the \htmladdnormallink{union}{} of an expanding
sequence of subspaces $X^n$ such that, inductively, $X^0$ is a discrete set of points called
vertices and $X^{n+1}$ is the \htmladdnormallink{pushout}{} obtained from $X^n$ by attaching disks $D^{n+1}$ along
``attaching maps'' $j: S^n \rightarrow X^n$. Each resulting map $D^{n+1} \longrightarrow X$ is
called a \emph{cell}. The subspace $X^n$ is called the ``$n$-skeleton'' of X.

\textbf{An Example} of a $CW$ complex is a graph or `network' regarded as a one-dimensional $CW$ complex.

Such `purely' topological definitions seem to miss much of the associated \htmladdnormallink{quantum operator}{} \htmladdnormallink{algebraic structures}{}
that are essential to the mathematical foundation of \htmladdnormallink{quantum theories}{}; note however the first related entry
that addresses this important, \htmladdnormallink{algebraic}{} question.

The \htmladdnormallink{concepts}{} of {\em spin networks} and {\em spin foams} were recently developed in the context
of \htmladdnormallink{mathematical physics}{} as part of the more general effort of attempting to formulate mathematically a concept of \emph{\htmladdnormallink{quantum state space}{}} which is also applicable, or relates to \emph{Quantum Gravity} \htmladdnormallink{spacetimes}{}. The {\em spin observable}-- which is fundamental in quantum theories-- has no corresponding concept in \htmladdnormallink{classical mechanics}{}. (However, classical \emph{momenta} (both linear and angular) have corresponding \htmladdnormallink{quantum observable}{} operators that are quite different in form, with their eigenvalues taking on different sets of values in \htmladdnormallink{quantum mechanics}{} than the ones might expect from classical mechanics for the `corresponding' classical observables); the spin is an \emph{intrinsic} observable of all massive \htmladdnormallink{quantum `particles',}{} such as electrons, protons, \htmladdnormallink{neutrons}{}, atoms, as well as of all \htmladdnormallink{field}{} quanta, such as photons, \emph{\htmladdnormallink{gravitons}{}}, \htmladdnormallink{gluons}{}, and so on; furthermore, every quantum `particle' has also associated with it a de Broglie \htmladdnormallink{wave}{}, so that it cannot be realized, or `pictured', as any kind of classical `body'. This \emph{intrinsic}, spin observable, can also be understood as an \emph\emph{internal symmetry} of quantum particles, which in many cases can be understood in terms of `internal' symmetry group representations, such as the Dirac or Pauli matrices that are currently employed in quantum mechanics, \htmladdnormallink{quantum electrodynamics}{}, \htmladdnormallink{QCD}{} and QFT. There are thus \emph{\htmladdnormallink{fermion}{}} (quantum) symmetries, quantum statistics, etc, for quantum particles with half-integer spin values (for massive particles such as electrons, protons,neutrons, \htmladdnormallink{quarks}{}, nuclei with an \emph{odd} number of \htmladdnormallink{nucleons}{}) and \emph{\htmladdnormallink{boson}{}} (quantum) symmetries, statistics, etc., for quantum particles with integer spin values, such as $0, 1, 2, ..., n$, {where $n$ is usually thought to be less than $3$, for field quanta such as photons, gravitons, gluons, hypothetical \htmladdnormallink{Higgs bosons}{}, etc).

For massive quantum particles such as electrons, protons, neutrons, atoms, and so on, the spin property has been initially observed for atoms by applying a \htmladdnormallink{magnetic field}{} as in the famous Stern-Gerlach experiment, (although the applied field may also be electric or gravitational, (see for example \cite{WH52})). All such spins interact with each other if the spin value is non-zero (i.e., generally, an integer, or half-integer) thus giving rise to ``spin networks'', which can be mathematically represented as in \textbf{Defintion 0.1} above; in the case of electrons, protons and neutrons such interactions are magnetic dipolar ones, and in an over-simplified, but not a physically accurate `picture', these are often thought of as `very tiny magnets--or magnetic dipoles--that line up, or flip up and down together, etc'.

As a practical (and thus `intuitive', pictorial) example, the \htmladdnormallink{detection}{} of all
\htmladdnormallink{MRI (2D-FT) images}{} employed in
\htmladdnormallink{clinical medicine and biomedical research}{}, as well as all (multi-) Nuclear Magnetic \htmladdnormallink{resonance}{} (\htmladdnormallink{NMR}{}) spectra employed in physical, chemical, biophyisical/biochemical/biomedical, polymer and agricultural research involves quantum transitions between spin networks or spin foams.


Werner Heisenberg. {\em The Physical Principles of Quantum Theory}. New York: Dover Publications, Inc.(1952), pp.39-47.

F. W. Byron, Jr. and R. W. Fuller. {\em Mathematical Principles of Classical and Quantum Physics.}, New York: Dover Publications, Inc. (1992).

Baez, J. \& Dolan, J., 1998a, Higher-Dimensional Algebra III. n-Categories and the Algebra of Opetopes, in \emph{Advances in Mathematics}, \textbf{135}: 145-206.

Baez, J. \& Dolan, J., 1998b, \emph{``Categorification'', Higher Category Theory, Contemporary Mathematics},
\textbf{230}, Providence: \emph{AMS}, 1-36.

Baez, J. \& Dolan, J., 2001, From Finite Sets to Feynman Diagrams, in \emph{Mathematics Unlimited -- 2001 and Beyond}, Berlin: Springer, pp. 29--50.

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