Talk:PlanetPhysics/Principles of Thermodynamics

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%%% This file is part of PlanetPhysics snapshot of 2011-09-01
%%% Primary Title: principles of thermodynamics
%%% Primary Category Code: 05.70.-axx
%%% Filename: PrinciplesOfThermodynamics.tex
%%% Version: 19
%%% Owner: bci1
%%% Author(s): bci1
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 This is a contributed entry on Thermodynamics principles and/or laws; the latter are defined as those primary \htmladdnormallink{propositions}{} that are fundamental to the logical and mathematical development of \htmladdnormallink{Thermodynamics}{} in accord with all experimental findings in classical molecular physics. Thus, thermodynamics has its historical roots in studies of \htmladdnormallink{heat}{} and Molecular Physics.

In particular, such thermodynamic laws impose essential constrains on the
{\em equations of state} and {\em state functions} that are employed to describe all closed thermodynamic \htmladdnormallink{systems}{}. However, the thermodynamic treatment of open systems is not yet a `closed book'. One also notes that such thermodynamic laws that hold for all closed systems may still be further derived from statistical mechanics.

\section{Principles of Thermodynamics}

\subsection{Basic Concepts}
{Thermodynamic systems}: Closed vs. Open systems.

\textbf{Thermodynamic Processes:}
Reversible vs. Irreversible := \htmladdnormallink{equilibrium}{} vs. Non-equilibrium

\subsection{The Zeroth Principle}

\subsubsection{Thermal Equilibrium definition. Temperature and Molecular Motions}

\htmladdnormallink{Temperature}{} is a \emph{measure} of the degree of molecular \htmladdnormallink{motion}{}: the higher the average \htmladdnormallink{magnitude}{} of \htmladdnormallink{velocities}{} in a system measured at equilibrium with the system, the higher the temperature is (the hotter the system is).

\textbf{\htmladdnormallink{absolute temperature scale}{}}

[More to come...]

Whereas absolute temperatures of molecular systems can only take on positive values, \htmladdnormallink{spin}{} temperature--or spin-lattice temperature-- for example, may take on `negative' values as a result of spin population inversion through \htmladdnormallink{Polarization}{}, or cross-polarization.

Such cross-polarization processes might be thus utilized in designing and operating \htmladdnormallink{quantum `computers}{}' or quantum nano-robots.

\subsection{The First Principle}
\textbf{Total \htmladdnormallink{energy}{} Conservation}

\subsection{The Second Principle}

During any thermodynamic process the entropy of a closed system always increases if the closed system is not at equilibrium (when the latter becomes constant), [or, equivalently, that perpetual motion machines are impossible].

\subsection{The Third Principle}
The entropy of any crystalline system tends to zero in the limit of absolute zero temperature.


Suggested Fourth Principle: \emph{the Onsager reciprocity \htmladdnormallink{relations}{} for non-equilibrium, open systems}

\textbf{Remark:} Commonly, the four principles of reversible thermodynamics
are also known as "{\em the four thermodynamic laws}".

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