Talk:PlanetPhysics/Ionel Solomon

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 \section{Biography of Ionel Solomon}
{\bf Ionel Solomon} (b. 1929- in free, Greater Roumania) is a French-Roumanian physicist \htmladdnormallink{Member of the French Academy of Sciences}{}, CNRS Research Director, Professor at the Polytechnic School in Paris.

\subsection{Scientific Career}

\item 1949--1951 PhD, Polytechnic School (\'Ecole Polytechnique) in Paris
\item 1951--1952 Research Fellow at the University of Liverpool, UK
\item 1955--1956 Research Fellow at Harvard University, USA
\item 1953-1962 Researcher in the \htmladdnormallink{resonance}{} \htmladdnormallink{group}{} of the Atomic \htmladdnormallink{energy}{} Commission (Commissariat Energie Atomique in Saclay)
\item 1962 Director of the Laboratory for Condensed Matter (Solid-State) Physics (Laboratoire de Physique de la Mati\'ere Condens\'ee), at the Polytechnic School in Paris
\item 1962 Head of Research at C.N.R.S.
\item 1962 Head of Conferences
\item 1968 CNRS Research Director
\item 1973-1976 Physics Departement Head at the Polytechnic School in Paris
1973-1974 President of the Societ\'e Fran\c{c}aise de Physique (the French Physics Society).
\item 1975-1979 Professor, at the Polytechnic School in Paris
\item 1976 Invited Visiting Professor at the Xerox Research Center, Palo Alto,USA
\item 1980 Invited Visiting Professor at Tokyo University
\item 1981-1985 Founder and Scientific Director of SOLEMS Company
\item 1987 President of the Scientific Council of PHOTOTRONICS (a French-german Company for dphotovoltaic products)
\item 1988, June 22, Elected Member of the Physics Institute of the French Academy of Sciences
\item Laboratory of Condensed Matter Physics

\subsection{Major Scientific Contributions}
Ionel Solomon made major contributions to the \htmladdnormallink{fields}{} of: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (\htmladdnormallink{NMR}{}), Solid-state physics, Semiconductors and Photovoltaics. In Nuclear Magnetic Resonance he derived fundamental equations that bear his name, and specify the nuclear spin-echo response and \htmladdnormallink{dipole-dipole interactions}{} in \htmladdnormallink{solids}{} (the Solomon equations).

\subsection{Awards and Prizes}

\item 1958 Grand Prix for Research (with Anatole Abragam and J. Combrisson)
\item 1963 The CNRS Silver Medal
\item 1969 Robin Prize of the French Physics Society (Societe Francaise de Physique)
\item 1972 Holweck Prize of the Institute of Physics and S.F.P (French Physics Society)
\item 1981 The Y. Peyches Prize of the Academy of Sciences
\item XYZ



I. Solomon. "Amorphous Semiconductors", In ``Topics in Applied Physics'', Ed. Springer Verlag, Berlin (1979).

I. Solomon. Relaxation Processes in a \htmladdnormallink{system}{} of Two \htmladdnormallink{spins}{}. Phys. Rev. 99, 559 (1955)

I. Solomon, M.P. Schmidt, H. Tran Quoc. Selective low-power \htmladdnormallink{plasma}{} decomposition of silane-methane mixtures for the preparation of methylated amorphous silicon. Phys. Rev. B ,38: 9895 (1988)

I. Solomon, B. Drevillon, H. Shirai, N. Layadi. Plasma deposition of microcrystalline silicon: the selective etching model., J. Non-crystalline Solids, 164--166, p. 989 (1993).

K. Rerbal, F. Jomard, J.N. Chazalviel, F. Ozanam, I. Solomon. Visible luminescence of porous amorphous Si(1--x) Cx:H due to selective dissolution of silicon. Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, p. 45 (2003)

K. Kerbral, J.N. Chazalviel, F. Ozanam, I. Solomon. \htmladdnormallink{Temperature}{} dependence of photoluminescence in amorphous Si1-xCx:H films. Eur. Phys. J., B51, p. 61 (2006).

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