Talk:PlanetPhysics/Index of Categories

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%%% This file is part of PlanetPhysics snapshot of 2011-09-01 %%% Primary Title: index of categories %%% Primary Category Code: 02. %%% Filename: IndexOfCategories.tex %%% Version: 1 %%% Owner: bci1 %%% Author(s): bci1 %%% PlanetPhysics is released under the GNU Free Documentation License. %%% You should have received a file called fdl.txt along with this file. %%% If not, please write to \documentclass[12pt]{article} \pagestyle{empty} \setlength{\paperwidth}{8.5in} \setlength{\paperheight}{11in}

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\subsection{Index of categories}

\emph{The following is a contributed listing, or Index of Categories:}

\begin{enumerate} \item Dual \htmladdnormallink{category}{} \item Double dual category, $V^{**}$ \item Category of sets, $Set$ or $Ens$ \item Cartesian closed category, or $Cc$-category \item \htmladdnormallink{category of molecular sets}{}: a $Cc$-category \item Category of $(M,R)$--systems: a $Cc$-category \item Category of \htmladdnormallink{dynamical systems}{} \item \htmladdnormallink{abelian categories}{}: \htmladdnormallink{Grothendieck category}{}, category of \htmladdnormallink{Abelian groups}{}, category of sheaves of abelian groups, category of reversible automata $\mathcal{A}_R$ \item Complete category \item Comma category \item $C_1$-category \item \htmladdnormallink{$C_2$-category}{} \item \htmladdnormallink{$C_3$-category}{} \item \htmladdnormallink{$Ab5$-category}{} \item \htmladdnormallink{category of additive fractions}{} \item Category of fractions \item \htmladdnormallink{quotient category}{} \item Grassmann category \item Category of \htmladdnormallink{groups}{} \item Category of \htmladdnormallink{crossed modules}{} of groups \item Category of crossed modules of \htmladdnormallink{algebroids}{} \item Category of \htmladdnormallink{matrices}{} \item Category of Abelian (or commutative) groups \item Category of \htmladdnormallink{Polish groups}{} \item Category of Lie 2-groups, (also an example of internal category) \item Categorical groups \item Internal categories \item Monoidal category: a. {\em symmetric}, b. {\em braided}, c. {\em closed} \item Category of \htmladdnormallink{semigroups}{} \item Category of rings \item Category of \htmladdnormallink{modules}{} \item Category of crossed modules \item Category of \htmladdnormallink{crossed complexes}{} \item \htmladdnormallink{groupoid category}{} \item Category of \htmladdnormallink{topological}{} spaces \item \htmladdnormallink{homotopy category}{} \item Category of sheaves of abelian groups \item \htmladdnormallink{category of Riemannian manifolds}{} \item Borel category \item Category of \htmladdnormallink{graphs}{}: category of reflexive (or directed) graphs \item Category of paths on a graph \item Category of \htmladdnormallink{hypergraphs}{} \item \htmladdnormallink{category of groupoids}{}, Groupoid category \item Category of \htmladdnormallink{topological groupoids}{} \item \htmladdnormallink{category of Borel groupoids}{} \item Cohomology of \htmladdnormallink{small categories}{} \item \htmladdnormallink{category of C*-algebras}{} \item \htmladdnormallink{$2-C^*$ -category,${\mathcal{C}^*}_2$}{} \item Category of H $*$ -algebras \item \htmladdnormallink{category of Hilbert spaces}{} \item \htmladdnormallink{category of automata}{} \item \htmladdnormallink{category of quantum automata}{} \item \htmladdnormallink{algebraic categories}{} \item \htmladdnormallink{category of logic algebras}{} \item Category of lattices \item Category of Boolean algebras \item Algebraic Category of \L{}ukasiewicz-Moisil, $LM_n$--Algebras \item Category of Heyting algebras \item Category of topoi \item Category of genetic nets \item Category of quantum logic algebras \item R-category \item Category of algebroids \item Category of double algebroids \item Grassmann-Hopf algebroid category \item Topological category \item Galois category \item Subcategory \item Internal category \item Groupoid groups \item Groupoid category \item Fibered categories \item Non-Abelian categories \item Category of diagrams \item Functor category, or category of functors and functorial morphisms (natural transformations) \item Category of small categories \item Category of categories, super-category \item Supercategory \item Meta-category \item Category of functors, (or Functor category) \item 2-category; specific examples are: a Lie 2-group, Abelian 2-category, 2-category of commutative (or Abelian) groupoids. \item Double category \item n-category \item Double groupoid category \end{enumerate}


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