Talk:PlanetPhysics/Highly Complex Systems

Original TeX Content from PlanetPhysics Archive

%%% This file is part of PlanetPhysics snapshot of 2011-09-01
%%% Primary Title: highly complex systems
%%% Primary Category Code: 00.
%%% Filename: HighlyComplexSystems.tex
%%% Version: 1
%%% Owner: bci1
%%% Author(s): bci1
%%% PlanetPhysics is released under the GNU Free Documentation License.
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 \subsection{Highly-complex systems}

Modeling the emergence of the ultra-complex system of the
human mind--based on the super-complex human organism-- one needs to consider an associated
progression towards \htmladdnormallink{higher dimensional algebras}{} from the lower dimensions of human neural network \htmladdnormallink{dynamics}{} and the simple algebra of physical dynamics, as shown in the following, essentially \emph{\htmladdnormallink{non-commutative}{}} \htmladdnormallink{categorical diagram}{}.
One can represent by \htmladdnormallink{square}{} categorical diagrams the emergence of ultra-complex
dynamics from the super-complex dynamics of human organisms coupled {\em via} social interactions
in characteristic patterns represented by Rosetta biogroupoids, together with the complex--albeit inanimate--systems with `chaos' as discussed next.

\subsection{Diagrams of simple and highly-complex systems}

An \emph{ultra-complex system, $U_{CS}$} is defined as an \htmladdnormallink{object}{} \htmladdnormallink{representation}{} in the following \htmladdnormallink{non-commutative diagram}{} of \htmladdnormallink{systems}{} and \htmladdnormallink{dynamic system}{} \htmladdnormallink{morphisms}{} or `dynamic transformations':

$$ \xymatrix@C=5pc{[SUPER-COMPLEX] \ar [r] ^{(\textbf{Higher
Dim})} \ar[d] _{\Lambda}& [[User:MaintenanceBot|MaintenanceBot]] ([[User talk:MaintenanceBot|discuss]][[Special:Contributions/MaintenanceBot|contribs]])(U_{CS}= ULTRA-COMPLEX) \ar [d]^{onto}\\ COMPLEX&
\ar [l] ^{(\textbf{Generic Map})}[SIMPLE]} $$


Note that the above \htmladdnormallink{diagram}{} is indeed not `natural' (i.e. it is not commutative) for reasons
related to the emergence of the higher dimensions of the super--complex
(biological/organismic) and/or ultra--complex (psychological/neural network dynamic) levels in comparison with
the low dimensions of either simple (physical/classical) or complex (chaotic) dynamic systems.

An \emph{ultra-complex system} represents the human mind and consciousness from the standpoint
of a \htmladdnormallink{categorical ontology}{} theory of levels as the highest level of \htmladdnormallink{complexity}{} that
emerged through biological and social coevolution over the last $2.2$ million years on Earth.

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