Talk:PlanetPhysics/Haag Theorem

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%%% This file is part of PlanetPhysics snapshot of 2011-09-01
%%% Primary Title: Haag theorem
%%% Primary Category Code: 03.
%%% Filename: HaagTheorem.tex
%%% Version: 16
%%% Owner: bci1
%%% Author(s): bci1
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A {\em canonical quantum dynamics (CQD)} is determined by the choice of the physical (quantized) `vacuum' state (which is the ground state); thus, the assumption that a \htmladdnormallink{field}{} $\mathcal{F}_{Qc}$ shares the ground state with a free field $\mathcal{F}_{0}$, implies that $\mathcal{F}_{Qc}$ is itself free (or admits a Fock \htmladdnormallink{representation}{}). This basic assumption is expressed in a mathematically precise form by Haag's theorem in `\htmladdnormallink{local quantum physics}{}'.
On the other hand, interacting \htmladdnormallink{quantum fields}{} generate non-Fock representations of the commutation and anti-commutation relationships (\htmladdnormallink{CAR}{}).

\subsection{Haag Theorem}

\begin{theorem} (The Haag theorem in \htmladdnormallink{quantum field theory}{})

Any canonical quantum field, $\mathcal{F}_{Qc}$ that for a fixed
value of time $t$ is:
\item irreducible, and
\item has a cyclic vector, $\Omega$ that is
\item $\mathcal{F}_{Qc}$ has a \htmladdnormallink{Hamiltonian}{} \htmladdnormallink{generator}{} of time translations, and
\item it is unique as a translation-invariant state;

and also,
\item is unitarily equivalent to a free field in the Fock representation at the time instant, $t$,

is itself a \emph{free field}.

R. Haag,   ``On quantum field theories.'', {\em Danske Mat.--Fys. Medd.} , 29 : 12  (1955)  pp. 17--112 .

[a2]  G. Emch,   ``Algebraic methods in statistical mechanics and quantum field theory.'' , Wiley  (1972)

L. Streit,  ``Energy forms: Schr\"odinger theory, processes. New stochastic methods in physics.''  Physics reports , 77 : 3  (1980)  pp. 363--375.

R.F. Streater, and   A.S. Wightman,   ``PCT, spin and statistics, and all that''. , Benjamin  (1964)


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