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%%% This file is part of PlanetPhysics snapshot of 2011-09-01
%%% Primary Title: geodesic
%%% Primary Category Code: 00.
%%% Filename: Geodesic.tex
%%% Version: 18
%%% Owner: bci1
%%% Author(s): bci1
%%% PlanetPhysics is released under the GNU Free Documentation License.
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 A \emph{geodesic} is generally described as the shortest possible, or topologically allowed, path between two points in a curved space.

Given a curved space $\S_C$ one can find the geodesic by writing the equation for the length $l_v$ of a {\em curve}-- which is defined as a \htmladdnormallink{function}{} $f: (R) \to \S_C$ from an open interval $(R)$ of $\R$ to the \htmladdnormallink{manifold}{} $\S_C$-- and then by using the calculus of variations minimizing this length. In physical
applications, however, to simplify the calculation one may also require the minimization of \htmladdnormallink{energy}{} as well as the length of the curve.

However, in \htmladdnormallink{Riemannian geometry}{} geodesics are not coinciding with the ``shortest length curves'' joining two points, even though a close connection may exist between geodesics and the shortest paths; thus, moving around a great circle on a Riemann sphere the `long way round' between two arbitrary, fixed points on a sphere is a geodesic but it is not obviously the shortest length curve between the points (which would be a straight line that is not permitted
by the topology of the surface of the Riemann sphere).

The orbits of satellites and planets are all geodesics in curved
\htmladdnormallink{spacetime}{}. As a more general physical example in general relativity theory, \emph{relativistic geodesics} describe the \htmladdnormallink{motion}{} of \htmladdnormallink{point particles}{} in a spacetime with a curvature determined only by gravity.

Consider such a point particle $ z^{\mu}$ that moves along a trajectory or ``track'' in physical spacetime; also assume that the track is parameterized with the values of $ \tau $. Then, the \htmladdnormallink{velocity}{} \htmladdnormallink{vector}{} pointing in the direction of motion of the point particle in spacetime can be written as:

$$ u^{\mu} = { dz^{\mu} \over d\tau }. $$

If there are no \htmladdnormallink{forces}{} acting on a point particle, then its velocity is unchanged along the trajectory or `track' and one has the following
\emph{geodesic equation}:

$$ { d u^{\nu} \over d \tau} + \Gamma^{\nu}_{\mu \sigma} u^{\mu} u^{\sigma} \quad = \quad { d^2 z^{\nu} \over d \tau^2} + \Gamma^{\nu}_{\mu \sigma} { d z^{\mu} \over d \tau} { d z^{\sigma} \over d \tau} \quad = \quad 0 . $$



More generally, a \emph{geodesic} in \htmladdnormallink{metric}{} geometry is defined as a
a curve $\Gamma: I \to M$ from an interval $I \subset \R$ to the \htmladdnormallink{metric space}{} $M$ for which there exists a constant $v \leq 0$ such that for any $t \in I$ there is a neighborhood $J$ of $t \in I$ such that for any $t_1, t_2 \in J$ one has that

$$d(\Gamma(t_1),\Gamma(t_2)) = v|t_1-t_2|.\,$$


When the equality
$$ d(\Gamma(t_1),\Gamma(t_2))=|t_1-t_2| \, $$
is satisfied for all $t_1, t_2 \in I$, the geodesic is called the shortest path or a {\em minimizing geodesic}.

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