Talk:PlanetPhysics/Generalized Fourier Transform

Original TeX Content from PlanetPhysics Archive edit

%%% This file is part of PlanetPhysics snapshot of 2011-09-01
%%% Primary Title: generalized Fourier transform
%%% Primary Category Code: 02.
%%% Filename: GeneralizedFourierTransform.tex
%%% Version: 6
%%% Owner: bci1
%%% Author(s): bci1
%%% PlanetPhysics is released under the GNU Free Documentation License.
%%% You should have received a file called fdl.txt along with this file.        
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% of TeX increases, you will probably want to edit this, but
% it should be fine as is for beginners.

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\newcommand{\diag}{{\rm diag}}
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\newcommand{\grpeod}{{\rm Geod}}
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\newcommand{\obg}{{\rm Ob(\mathsf{G)}}}
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\newcommand{\grpcalp}{{\mathsf{G}(\mathcal P)}}

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\newcommand{\grplob}{{\rm glob}}
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\newcommand{\sqdiagram}[9]{$$ \diagram #1 \rto^{#2} \dto_{#4}&
#3 \dto^{#5} \\ #6 \rto_{#7} & #8 \enddiagram
\eqno{\mbox{#9}}$$ }



%\newenvironment{proof}{\noindent {\bf Proof} }{ \hfill $\Box$
{\begin{pmatrix} & #1& \\[-1.1ex] #2 & & #3\\[-1.1ex]& #4&


 \section{Fourier-Stieltjes Transform}
Given a \emph{positive definite, \htmladdnormallink{measurable function}{}} $f(x)$ on the interval
$(-\infty ,\infty)$ there exists a monotone increasing, real-valued bounded
\htmladdnormallink{function}{} $ \alpha (t)$ such that:

f(x)=\int_\mathbb{R}e^{itx}d(\alpha (t)),

for all $x \in{\mathbb{R}}$ except a `small' set, that is a finite set which contains only a small number of values. When $f(x)$ is defined as above and if $\alpha(t)$ is nondecreasing and bounded then the measurable function defined by the above integral is called \emph{the Fourier-Stieltjes transform of} $\alpha(t)$, and it is \emph{continuous} in addition to being \emph{positive definite}.

A. Ramsay and M. E. Walter, Fourier-Stieltjes algebras of locally compact groupoids,
\emph{J. Functional Anal}. \textbf{148}: 314-367 (1997).

A. L. T. Paterson, The Fourier algebra for locally compact groupoids., Preprint, (2001).

A. L. T. Paterson, The Fourier-Stieltjes and Fourier algebras for locally
compact groupoids, (2003).

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