Talk:PlanetPhysics/Computer 2

Original TeX Content from PlanetPhysics Archive

%%% This file is part of PlanetPhysics snapshot of 2011-09-01
%%% Primary Title: computer
%%% Primary Category Code: 00.
%%% Filename: Computer2.tex
%%% Version: 16
%%% Owner: bci1
%%% Author(s): bci1
%%% PlanetPhysics is released under the GNU Free Documentation License.
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% almost certainly you want these

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\newcommand{\Ce}{\mathcal C}
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\newcommand{\diag}{{\rm diag}}
\newcommand{\grp}{{\mathbb G}}
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\newcommand{\desp}{{\mathbb D^{\rm{es}}}}
\newcommand{\Geod}{{\rm Geod}}
\newcommand{\geod}{{\rm geod}}
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\newcommand{\gcalp}{{\mathbb G(\mathcal P)}}

\newcommand{\rf}{{R_{\mathcal F}}}
\newcommand{\glob}{{\rm glob}}
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Any \htmladdnormallink{automaton}{} $\mathcal{C}$ which is capable of either executing a set of logical instructions $\mathbb{I}$ (that is called a {\em program}, $\mathbb{P}$) or whose \htmladdnormallink{operation}{} is defined either by an \htmladdnormallink{algorithm/}{} set of algorithms $\A$ or a \htmladdnormallink{recursive function}{} $\mathcal{F}_R$ is called a \emph{computer}.


Occasionally, and incompletely, a \htmladdnormallink{computer}{} is simply being defined as
``{\em a machine that manipulates data according to a list of instructions.}''. First of all, implicit in the latter description is the \htmladdnormallink{concept}{} of \emph{\htmladdnormallink{sequential machine}{}} or \htmladdnormallink{automaton}{} that has a precise mathematical definition, and is not simply just any `machine'. Secondly, the vague term of ``list of instructions'' needs actually be replaced by a ``set of {\bf logical} instructions'', which is precisely defined, for example by algorithms or recursive functions as in the top definition of the computer term.

Notably, and contrary to widespread misconceptions in old-age philosophy
( e.g. Descartes, John von Neumann, etc.), AI and the computer community,
complex, living \htmladdnormallink{systems}{} and the human brain cannot be adequately described or represented by any computer, computer model, or \htmladdnormallink{classical automaton}{}; this is, in essence, because the latter cannot be adequately modelled by any recursive function, finitary algorithm or (computer) program. Furthermore, any computer can be
encoded with a categorical \htmladdnormallink{commutative diagram}{}. On the other hand, most organisms-- that possess \htmladdnormallink{variable topology}{} and varying \htmladdnormallink{transition functions}{} $\delta_v$ (viz. entry on automata)-- may only be encoded by the unique limit of a sequence of \htmladdnormallink{non-commutative}{} \htmladdnormallink{categorical diagrams}{} which is not necessarily finite, and that cannot be {\em recursively} computed.

A \htmladdnormallink{JPG Image of NASA's Columbia Supercomputer Advanced Facility}{}


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