Talk:PlanetPhysics/Biographies on

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%%% Primary Title: biographies on PlanetPhysics-org
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%%% Filename: BiographiesOnPlanetPhysicsOrg.tex
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%%% Owner: bci1
%%% Author(s): bci1, rspuzio
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 This entry lists the available biographies on

\item \htmladdnormallink{Niels Henrik Abel; (1802-1829)}{}
\item \htmladdnormallink{Albert Einstein; NP.1921-phe}{}
\item \htmladdnormallink{Alexander Grothendieck; FM1966}{}
\item Anderson, P.W.; NP1977-es
\item Abragam, Anatole
\item Abrikosov, Alexei, A.; NP2003-qsm
\item Archimedes
\item Aristotle
\item Aspect, Alain
\item \htmladdnormallink{Sir Michael, Francis, Atiyah}{}
\item Bardeen, John; NP1972-smc; NP1972-spc
\item Becquerel, Antoine, Henri; NP1903-nrad
\item Bellman, Richard, Ernest
\item Birkhoff, George David
\item Bloch, Felix; NP1952-nmr
\item Bloembergen, Nicolaas
\item Bohr, Niels, Henrik, David; NP1922-qm
\item \htmladdnormallink{`Bourbaki, Nicolas'}{}
\item Sir William, Henry Bragg; NP1915-xrd
\item Sir Lawrence, Bragg; NP1915-xrd
\item Brattain, Walter, Houser; NP1956-smc
\item Brown,Ronald;
\item \htmladdnormallink{Ronald Brown}{}
\item Carleson,Lennart; AP2006
\item Carnot, Nicolas, L\'eonard, Sadi
\item \htmladdnormallink{Cartan, Joseph, \'Elie}{}
\item Cartan, Henri
\item Sir James, Chadwick ; NP1935-neutron
\item Choquet-Bruhat, Yvonne
\item William Clifford
\item Compton, Arthur, Holly; NP1927
\item Connes, Alain; FM1982-ncg
\item Cooper, Leon; NP1972-spc
\item Copernicus, Nicolaus
\item Crick, Francis
\item Curie (n\'ee Sklodowska), Marie; NP1903-rad
\item Curie, Pi\'erre; NP1903-rad,mg
\item Joliot (Curie), Frederick;NP1930-ch-rad
\item Curie, Julie; NP1930-ch-rad
\item Dalton
\item Prince Louis-Victor, Pierre,Raymond, de Broglie; NP1929-qm
\item de Gennes, Pierre-Gilles; NP1991-cmpx
\item Deligne, Pierre Ren\'e; FM1978
\item Descartes, Ren\'e
\item Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice; NP1933-qm
\item \htmladdnormallink{Drinfel'd, Vladimir, Gershonovich; FM1990-qt}{}
\item Dyson, Freeman
\item \htmladdnormallink{Elsasser, Walter}{}
\item Euler, Leonhard
\item Fermi, Enrico; NP1938-nph
\item Feynman, Richard; NP1965-qed
\item Fields, John Charles
\item Fourier, Joseph
\item Franklin, Benjamin
\item Franklin, Rosalind
\item A.J. Fresnel
\item Frobenius, Georg
\item Fr\"ohlich, Herbert, FRS
\item Galilei, Galileo
\item Galois, \'Evariste
\item Gauss, Carl Friedrich
\item Gell-Mann, Murray
\item Gibbs,Josiah Willard
\item Goeppert-Mayer, Maria; NP1963-nshs
\item \htmladdnormallink{Grecu, Voicu, Vlad}{}
\item Gromov, Mikhail, Leonidovich; IHES; AP2009
\item \htmladdnormallink{Gutowski, Herbert, Sander}{}(\htmladdnormallink{Gutowski, Herbert, S.}{}) and \htmladdnormallink{Herbert Gutowsky}{}
\item Hamilton, William Rowan
\item Hamilton, Richard
\item Hahn, Erwin, NP1956-nmr
\item Hahn, Otto
\item Hanke, W.
\item \htmladdnormallink{Hawking, Stephen William}{}
\item Heisenberg, Werner
\item Heron of Alexandria
\item Herz, Gustav, Ludwig; NP1925-emf
\item Hilbert, David
\item Hooft, G\'erardus$'t; NP1999-nab-qft$
\item \htmladdnormallink{Ionescu, Theodor, V.}{}
\item Jeneer, Jean
\item Josephson, Brian; NP1958-qth-tJe
\item Kapitsa, Piotr
\item Kaplan, Daniel
\item \htmladdnormallink{Karreman, George}{}
\item \htmladdnormallink{Kistiakowsky, George}{}
\item Kontsevitch, Maxim; FM1998
\item Kuchar, Karel
\item Kumosinski, Thomas, F.
\item Lanczos, Cornelius
\item Landau, Lev, Davidovich, NP1962-thm-qsm
\item Langevin, Paul
\item Lauterbur, Paul; NP2005-mri
\item Lawvere, William
\item Lax, Peter, D.; AP2005
\item \htmladdnormallink{Sir Anthony, J. Leggett; NP2003-qsm-qt}{}
\item \htmladdnormallink{Levi-Civita,Tullio}{}
\item Lorenz, Edward, Norton
\item Lorentz, Hendrik, Antoon; NP1902-rth
\item \htmladdnormallink{\L{}ukasiewicz, Jan}{}
\item Sir Mansfield, Peter; NP2005-mri
\item Michelson, Albert, Abraham; NP1907-op-rth
\item Millikan, Robert, Andrews; NP1923-ecge
\item \htmladdnormallink{Moisil, Grigore}{}
\item N\'eel, Louis, Eugene, Felix; NP1970-mag
\item Sir Nevill, Francis, Mott; NP1970-esq
\item Yoichiro Nambu; Makoto Kobayashi; Toshihide Maskawa; NP.2008
\item Sir Isaac, Newton
\item Nobel, Alfred
\item Noether, Amalie Emmy
\item Onnes, Heike Kamerlingh; NP1913-spc
\item \htmladdnormallink{Palade, George, Emil}{}
\item \htmladdnormallink{$Pavaloiu, Ion$}{}, (\htmladdnormallink{Pavaloiu, Ion}{})
\item Pauli, Wolfgang;NP1943-qt
\item Pauling, Linus
\item \htmladdnormallink{Nicolae,Popescu}{}
\item \htmladdnormallink{Popescu, Nicolae}{}
\item Sir Roger, Penrose
\item Perelman, Grigori
\item Planck, Karl, Ernst ,Ludwig, Planck; NP1918-thm
\item Poincar\'{e}, Jules Henri
\item \htmladdnormallink{P\'{o}lya, George (P\'{o}lya Gy\"orgy)}{}
\item Prigogine, Ilyia
\item \htmladdnormallink{Proca, Alexandru}{}
\item Procopiu, Stefan
\item Purcell, Edward, Mills; NP1952-nmr
\item Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman, FRS, NP1930
\item Ramanujan, Srinivasa
\item Sir John, Randall
\item \htmladdnormallink{Rashevsky, Nicolas}{}
\item (Lord) John William Strutt Rayleigh;NP 1904-osc
\item Ricci-Curbastro,Gregorio
\item Riemann, Bernhard
\item R\"ontgen, Conrad, Wilhelm; NP1901-xray
\item \htmladdnormallink{Rosen, Robert}{}
\item Rutherford, Ernst
\item Salaam, Abdul; NP1968-qew
\item Shockley, William; NP1956-smc
\item Schwinger, Julian, Seymour; NP1965-qed
\item Schrieffer, John ; NP1972-spc
\item Schr\"odinger, Erwin, Rudolf, Josef, NP1933-qm
\item Serre, Jean-Pierre; FM1954
\item Singer,Isadore M.; AP2004

\item Shannon, Claude, Elwood
\item Slichter, Charles, P.
\item \htmladdnormallink{Solomon, Ionel; SP1978-nmr}{}
\item Sommerfeld, Arnold, Johannes, Wilhelm; -qm
\item Stern, Otto; NP1943-nf
\item Tesla, Nicola
\item \htmladdnormallink{Thom, Ren\'e; FM1958-top}{}
\item Sir Joseph John Thomson; NP1906-aph
\item \htmladdnormallink{Thurston, William, Paul; FM1982}{}
\item \htmladdnormallink{Thompson, John, Griggs; AP2008}{}
\item \htmladdnormallink{Tits, Jacques; AP2008}{}
\item Tomonaga,Sin-Itiro
\item \htmladdnormallink{Townes, Charles Hard}{}
\item Turing, Alan
\item Young, Thomas
\item Yukawa,Hideki; NP1949-nph-mes
\item \htmladdnormallink{Van Vleck, John H.; NP1977-ssd}{}
\item Van der Waals, Johannes Diderik; NP1910-mph
\item Varadhan, Srinivasa, S. R.; AP2007
\item Veltman, Martinus, J.G.; NP1999-nabqt
\item von Laue, Max, Theodor, Felix; NP1914-xrd
\item von Neumann, John
\item Weinberg, Steven; NP1968-qt-ewk
\item Weinstein, Alan
\item Weyl, Hermann
\item Wheeler, John Archibald
\item Wiener, Norbert
\item Wigner, Eugene, Paul; NP1963-qt
\item Wilkins, Maurice F.
\item Witten, Edward; FM1990-qm
\item W\"utrich, Kurt; NP2003
\item XX, YY

See also
\item \htmladdnormallink{Nobel Prizes in Physics: A List by year from the SLAC Library in USA}{}

\item \htmladdnormallink{Abel Prize in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics}{}

\item \htmladdnormallink{The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive}{}

* Notations:
$$NPyr-fi = Nobel \, prize \, + \, year \, -field:\, NMR = -nmr;\, MRI= \, -mri;$$
$$ APyear = Abel Prize\, year$$
$$ \, Photoelectric \, Effect = \, phe ; Quantum \, Mechanics\ Theory= \,qm\ qt;$$
$$ \, solid-state \, (magnetic)\, dipolar = -ssd; \, Superconductivity = \, -spc;$$

$$ \, Semiconductors \,= \,-smc ; = \,Electrons \,in\, solids \, = \, es.$$

$$FMyr = Fields \, Medal \, + \, year$$

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