Talk:PlanetPhysics/Axioms of Physics

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%%% Primary Title: Axioms of Physics
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%%% Author(s): bpi7, bci1
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 A contributed topic on the \emph{Axioms of Physics}* in the following areas:

\item \htmladdnormallink{general relativity}{} Theory
\item Axiomatic and Algebraic Quantum Field Theory
\item \htmladdnormallink{Quantum Algebraic Topology}{} \item \htmladdnormallink{topological}{} \htmladdnormallink{quantum field theory}{} (\htmladdnormallink{TQFT}{}) and HQFT**
\item \htmladdnormallink{quantum logics}{} and Quantum Computing
\item Symmetry and Physical Principles and Laws
\item \htmladdnormallink{categorical physics}{}: \htmladdnormallink{category theory}{} and \htmladdnormallink{groupoid/}{} topology applications in Physics
\item Physical Networks and General \htmladdnormallink{dynamics}{} \end{enumerate}

\subsection{Some Fundamental Concepts in Physics}

\item Space, $s$
\item Time, $t$
\item Spacetime, $ST$
\item \htmladdnormallink{reference system}{} or Frame of Reference ($RS$)
\item Motion
\item Measurement
\item \htmladdnormallink{observable}{} \item Universal constants: Planck's constant ($h$, the speed of light, $c$, gravitational constant, $G$; hyperfine constant, $e$; cosmological constant, $\lambda$
\item Matter
\item Mass
\item Particle
\item Elementary Particles and \htmladdnormallink{quarks}{} \item Energy: Conservation Laws, \htmladdnormallink{Hamiltonian operator}{}, energy eigenvalues. eigenstates, \htmladdnormallink{Lagrangian}{}, Photons/Electromagnetic \htmladdnormallink{radiation}{} \item Fields: Electromagnetic, magnetic, electrical; nuclear; gravitational
\item Gravity
\item String/strings


Isaac Newton. 1686.\emph{Principles of Natural Philosophy}.

``Works of Sir Isaac Newton--Isaaci Newtoni Opera quae exstant omnia"

Albert Einstein. 1956. \emph{Relativity Theory}. NL

Dirac, Paul A.M. 1958. \emph{Principles of Quantum Mechanics}. NL

Richard Feynman. 1965. \emph{Lecture Notes in Physics}. NL

Stephen Weinberg. 1994. \emph{Quantum FieldTheory}. NL

Eilenberg, S., and Kelly, G.M., Closed Categories,
\emph{Proceedings of the Conference on Categorical Algebra} (La Jolla 1965), Springer Verlag 1966.

Eilenberg, S., and Mac Lane, S., General Theory of Natural Equivalences,
\emph{Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.} 58, 231--294 (1945).

Kan, D. M., Adjoint Functors, \emph{Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.} 87, 294--329 (1958).

Lawvere, F. W., Functorial Semantics of Algebraic Theories,
\emph{Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U.S.A.},\textbf{50}, 869--872 (1963).

Lawvere, F. W., The Category of Categories as a Foundation for Mathematics, \emph{Proceedings of the Conference on Categorical Algebra} (La Jolla 1965), Springer Verlag. 1966.

(See also the Review 7332 by J. Isbell, Dec. 1967, Math. Reviews).

Mac Lane, S., Categorical Algebra, \emph{Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.}, 71, 40--106 (1965).

*1. Unlike Mathematical Axioms that have all terms defined mathematically, the Axioms of Physics, oftentimes called ``Postulates'', are defined in terms of physical concepts that may also relate to measurements and may include basic physical assumptions derived on an experimental and physical-conceptual basis, such as the fundamental axiom of Local Quantum Field Theory, or Axiomatic Quantum Field Theory, also called Algebraic Quantum Field Theory (AQFT), that all quantum measurement and observations involve \emph{local} interactions in spacetime.

**2. Homotopy and Quantum Field Theory 

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