Talk:PlanetPhysics/Algebroid Structures and Extended Symmetries

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%%% This file is part of PlanetPhysics snapshot of 2011-09-01
%%% Primary Title: algebroid structures and extended symmetries
%%% Primary Category Code: 03.
%%% Filename: AlgebroidStructuresAndExtendedSymmetries.tex
%%% Version: 4
%%% Owner: bci1
%%% Author(s): bci1
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 \section{Algebroid structures and Quantum Algebroid Extended Symmetries.}
An \emph{\htmladdnormallink{algebroid}{} structure} $A$ will be specifically defined to mean
either a ring, or more generally, any of the specifically defined algebras, but \emph{with several
\htmladdnormallink{objects}{}} instead of a single object, in the sense specified by Mitchell
(1965). Thus, an {\em algebroid} has been defined (Mosa, 1986a; Brown and Mosa 1986b, 2008)
as follows. An \textit{$R$-algebroid } $A$ on a set of ``objects" $A_0$
is a directed \htmladdnormallink{graph}{} over $A_0$ such that for each $x,y \in A_0,\;
A(x,y)$ has an $R$-module structure and there is an $R$-bilinear
\htmladdnormallink{function}{} $$ \circ : A(x,y) \times A(y,z) \to A(x,z)$$ $(a , b)
\mapsto a\circ b$ called ``\htmladdnormallink{composition}{}" and satisfying the
associativity condition, and the existence of \htmladdnormallink{identities}{}.

A {\em pre-algebroid} has the same structure as an algebroid and the same
axioms except for the fact that the existence of identities $1_x \in A(x,x)$
is not assumed. For example, if $A_0$ has exactly one object, then
an $R$-algebroid $A$ over $A_0$ is just an $R$-algebra. An ideal
in $A$ is then an example of a pre-algebroid.
Let $R$ be a \htmladdnormallink{commutative ring}{}.

An \textit{$R$-category }$\A$ is a \htmladdnormallink{category}{} equipped with an $R$-module structure on each \textit{hom} set such that the composition is $R$-bilinear. More precisely, let us assume for instance that we are given a commutative ring $R$ with identity. Then a small $R$-category--or equivalently an \emph{$R$-algebroid}-- will be defined as a category enriched in the monoidal category of $R$-modules, with respect to the
monoidal structure of \htmladdnormallink{tensor}{} product. This means simply that for all objects $b,c$ of $\A$, the set $\A(b,c)$ is given the structure of an $R$-module, and composition $\A(b,c) \times \A(c,d) \lra
\A(b,d)$ is $R$--bilinear, or is a \htmladdnormallink{morphism}{} of $R$-modules $\A(b,c) \otimes_R \A(c,d) \lra \A(b,d)$.

If $\mathsf{G}$ is a \htmladdnormallink{groupoid}{} (or, more generally, a category)
then we can construct an \emph{$R$-algebroid} $R\mathsf{G}$ as
follows. The object set of $R\mathsf{G}$ is the same as that of
$\mathsf{G}$ and $R\mathsf{G}(b,c)$ is the free $R$-module on the
set $\mathsf{G}(b,c)$, with composition given by the usual
bilinear rule, extending the composition of $\mathsf{G}$.

Alternatively, one can define $\bar{R}\mathsf{G}(b,c)$ to be the
set of functions $\mathsf{G}(b,c)\lra R$ with finite support, and
then we define the \emph{\htmladdnormallink{convolution}{} product} as follows:

(f*g)(z)= \sum \{(fx)(gy)\mid z=x\circ y \} ~.

As it is very well known, only the second construction is natural
for the \htmladdnormallink{topological}{} case, when one needs to replace `function' by
`continuous function with compact support' (or \emph{locally
compact support} for the QFT extended
\htmladdnormallink{symmetry sectors}{}), and in
this case $R \cong \mathbb{C}$~. The point made here is
that to carry out the usual construction and end up with only an algebra
rather than an algebroid, is a procedure analogous to replacing a
\htmladdnormallink{groupoid}{} $\mathsf{G}$ by a \htmladdnormallink{semigroup}{} $G'=G\cup \{0\}$ in which the
compositions not defined in $G$ are defined to be $0$ in $G'$. We
argue that this construction removes the main advantage of
\htmladdnormallink{groupoids}{}, namely the spatial component given by the set of

One can also define categories of algebroids, $R$-algebroids, \htmladdnormallink{double algebroids}{} , and so on.
A `category' of $R$-categories is however a \htmladdnormallink{super-category}{} $\S$, or it can also be viewed as a specific example of a \htmladdnormallink{metacategory}{} (or $R$-supercategory, in the more general case of multiple operations--categorical `\htmladdnormallink{composition laws}{}' being defined within the same structure, for the same class, $C$).

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