Talk:PlanetPhysics/Alexander Grothendieck's Seminars and Books a Bibliography

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\bibitem{Alex1} Alexander Grothendieck. 1971, Rev\^{e}tements \'Etales et Groupe Fondamental (SGA1), chapter VI: Cat\'egories fibr\'ees et descente, \emph{Lecture Notes in Math.} \textbf{224}, Springer--Verlag: Berlin.

\bibitem{Alex2} Alexander Grothendieck. 1957, Sur quelque point d-alg\'{e}bre homologique. , \emph{Tohoku Math. J.}, \textbf{9:} 119-121.

\bibitem{Alex3} Alexander Grothendieck and J. Dieudonn\'{e}.: 1960, El\'{e}ments de geometrie alg\'{e}brique., \emph{Publ. Inst. des Hautes Etudes de Science}, \textbf{4}.

\bibitem{ALEXsem1} Alexander Grothendieck et al.,1971. S\'eminaire de G\'eom\'etrie Alg\'ebrique du Bois-Marie, Vol. 1--7, Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

\bibitem{ALEXsem2} Alexander Grothendieck. 1962. S\'eminaires en G\'eom\'etrie Alg\'ebrique du Bois-Marie, Vol. 2 - Cohomologie Locale des Faisceaux Coherents et Th\'eor\'emes de Lefschetz Locaux et Globaux. , pp.287. (with an additional contributed expos\'e by Mme. Michele Raynaud). \htmladdnormallink{Typewritten manuscript available in French}{}; \htmladdnormallink{see also a brief summary in English}{} References Cited: \begin{enumerate} \item J. P. Serre. 1964. {\em Cohomologie Galoisienne}, Springer-Verlag: Berlin. \item J. L. verdier. 1965. {\em Alg\`ebre homologiques et Cat\'egories deriv\'ees}. North Holland Publ. Cie. \end{enumerate}

\bibitem{ALEX57} Alexander Grothendieck. 1957, Sur Quelques Points d'alg\'ebre homologique, {\em Tohoku Mathematics Journal}, 9, 119--221.

\bibitem{Alex60to61sga1} Alexander Grothendieck et al. \emph{S\'eminaires en G\'eometrie Alg\`ebrique- 4}, Tome 1, Expos\'e 1 (or the Appendix to Expos\'ee 1, by `N. Bourbaki' for more detail and a large number of results. AG4 is \htmladdnormallink{freely available}{} in French; also available here is an extensive \htmladdnormallink{Abstract in English}{}.

\bibitem{Alex84} Alexander Grothendieck, 1984. Esquisse d'un Programme, (1984 manuscript), {\em finally published in Geometric Galois Actions}, L. Schneps, P. Lochak, eds., {\em London Math. Soc. Lecture Notes} {\bf 242}, Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp.5-48; English transl., ibid., pp. 243-283. MR 99c:14034 .

\bibitem{Alex81} Alexander Grothendieck, La longue marche in \'a travers la th\'eorie de Galois \emph{= The Long March Towards/Across the Theory of Galois}, 1981 manuscript, University of Montpellier preprint series 1996, edited by J. Malgoire.

\bibitem{LS94} Leila Schneps. 1994. \htmladdnormallink{The Grothendieck Theory of Dessins d'Enfants}{}. (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series), Cambridge University Press, 376 pp.

\bibitem{DHSL2k} David Harbater and Leila Schneps. 2000. \htmladdnormallink{Fundamental groups of moduli and the Grothendieck-Teichm\"uller group}{}, \emph{Trans. Amer. Math. Soc}. 352 (2000), 3117-3148. MSC: Primary 11R32, 14E20, 14H10; Secondary 20F29, 20F34, 32G15.



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