Talk:PlanetPhysics/Alexander Grothendieck's Mathematical Genealogy

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%%% Primary Title: Alexander Grothendieck's mathematical `genealogy'
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%%% Filename: AlexanderGrothendiecksMathematicalGenealogy.tex
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 \section{Alexander Grothendieck}
(n\'ee ``Alexander Raddatz'' in Berlin, Germany;
French adopted name: Alexandre Grothendieck,
with the last name being his mother's maiden name.)

\subsection{Mathematical `Genealogy'}

Ph.D. Universit\'e Henri Poincar\'e Nancy 1 \\
Dissertation: ``Produits tensoriels topologiques et \'espaces nucl\'eaires.'' \\
Mathematics Subject \htmladdnormallink{classification}{}: 14 = \htmladdnormallink{algebraic}{} Geometry \\
Advisor No. 1: Laurent Schwartz \\
Advisor No. 2: Jean Dieudonn\'e \\

\subsection{Alexander Grothendieck's Students' List:}
Name--- School--- Year --- --------Descendants----- \\
Pierre Berthelot 1 \\
Carlos Contou-Carrare Universit\'e Montpellier II 1983 2 \\
{\em Pierre Deligne} Universit\'e Libre de Bruxelles 1968 62 \\
Michel Demazure Universit\'e de Paris 1965 15 \\
Luc Illusie 1971 22 \\
Yves Ladegaillerie Universit\'e Montpellier II 1976 \\
William Messing Princeton University 1971 5 \\
Michel Raynaud 7 \\
Hoang Sinh Universit\'e Denis Diderot - Paris VII 1975 \\
Jean-Louis Verdier 1967 28

\textbf{Alexander Grothendieck's Doctoral Advisor No.1--Laurent Schwartz: \\
A Concise Biography and `Genealogy':}\\

Ph.D. Universite' Louis Pasteur-- Strasbourg I 1943 \\
Dissertation: ``Sommes de Fonctions Exponentielles R\'eelles'' \\
Advisor: {\em Georges Valiron} \\


Table \\
Name--- School--- Year-------- Descendants \\

Bernard Beauzamy Universit\'e Denis Diderot - Paris VII 1976 25 \\
Louis Boutet de Monvel 34 \\
Georges Glaeser Universit\'e Henri Poincar\'e Nancy 1 1957 3 \\
{\bf \htmladdnormallink{Alexander Grothendieck}{}} Universite' Henri Poincare' Nancy 1 152 \\
Jacques-Louis Lions Universit\'e Henri Poincare' Nancy 1 1954 1,202 \\
Bernard Malgrange Universit\'e Henri Poincare' Nancy 1 1955 21 \\
Andr\'e Martineau 37 \\
Bernard Maurey Universit\'e Denis Diderot - Paris VII 1973 4 \\
M. Narasimhan \\
Gilles Pisier Universit\'e Denis Diderot - Paris VII 1977 23 \\
Erik Thomas 14 \\
J. Francois Treves Universit\'e Paris IV-Sorbonne 34 \\
Andre Unterberger Universi\'te Denis Diderot - Paris VII 1 \\
Ali Ustunel Universit\'e Paris VI - Pierre et Marie Curie 1981 4 \\

{\em Note:} According to the on-line databases, Laurent Schwartz has 14 students and 1,544 descendants.\\

Laurent Schwartz \\

(1915 - 2002)\\

List of References (5 books/articles) \\

{\bf Honours awarded to Laurent Schwartz} \\

Speaker at International Congress 1950 \\
\htmladdnormallink{fields}{} Medal 1950 \\
British Mathematical Colloquium plenary speaker 1954 . \\

References for Laurent Schwartz\\

Obituary in The Times [available on the Web] \\

H. Bohr, The \htmladdnormallink{work}{} of L. Schwartz, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Harvard, 1950 (Providence, RI, 1952). \\
B. L. Malgrange, Schwartz et la th\'eorie des distributions, in Colloquium in honor of Laurent Schwartz 1 (Palaiseau, 1983), Ast\'erisque No. 131 (1985), 25-33. \\
L. Schwartz, Notice sur les travaux scientifiques de Laurent Schwartz, in Mathematical analysis and applications A (New York-London, 1981), 1-25. \\
L. Schwartz, Calcul infinit\'esimal stochastique, in Analyse Math\'ematique et Applications (1988). \\

Source: Encyclopaedia Britannica.

$"The Mathematics Genealogy Project"$

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