Talk:Middle Ages/Dark Ages

Latest comment: 15 years ago by Jade Knight in topic ???

Dark Ages vs. Medival Ages


Often, the "Dark Ages" is used to refer to the time between the Fall of the Roman Empire and the beginning of Feudalism, a period of some 400 years from 400 (or so) AD to 800 (or so) AD. The Jade Knight 08:35, 14 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

Others would say from Fall of Rome to RenaissanceThe G 15:07, 14 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
That is clearly what defines the "Medieval Period" (the Middle Ages). Evidently, some people use the term "The Dark Ages" to refer to the whole Medieval Period. Wikipedia's article on the Dark Ages, however, shows a correspondance to the Early Medieval Period. Most modern scholars tend to use it to refer to periods when documents are particularly sparse during the Medieval Period, in particular referring to the non-Christianized areas of Europe (where Catholic or Orthodox historians had not recorded much). The Jade Knight 18:40, 14 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
Remember, it was only within the last hundred years or so (maybe 150 years) that the term Dark Ages refered to what you talk about, and you are right. However, mosy lay-people wouldn't know the difference. Also, this is only of the weeks in the Medival Ages class, there are more to come (when I can find time) that will discuss the other parts of the Medival Age. Does that help? The G 04:10, 15 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
Well, the distinction is made by most modern scholars, and since people are coming here to learn more about the topic, they should be taught what is correct, not simply what is known by most lay-people. It may be helpful, however, to provide a simple one or two sentence explanation towards the beginning of this lesson about the differences between "the Dark Ages" and "the Middle Ages". I will likely be involved in this project heavily as it progresses—the European Middle Ages happen to be my area of specialty in History, and I have taken a course specifically on the Early Middle Ages (ie, the Dark Ages). The Jade Knight 11:27, 16 July 2007 (UTC)Reply



This material might be better suited for Wikibooks. Is there any particular reason it is here, instead of there? The Jade Knight 08:36, 14 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

But why can't it be here? We need material to be here, again, many great lectures have been turned into books but if it was the other way around, then there would bee no need for Wikiversity. We need the material to be here. (Also this is a paper I wrote about the Dark ages)The G 15:07, 14 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
Well, it could be here if there's some reason it would be better suited here than at Wikibooks. Right now it reads like an article out of a textbook (which is the sort of stuff that belongs at Wikibooks). I have an idea, however—you could turn it into an actual lecture: make an audio recording of it, and post it to Wikiversity, and then it becomes an audio lecture. We could keep the transcript of it here for reference' sake. But, as it stands, it's more suited for Wikibooks unless something is changed to make it clearly not the stuff of textbooks.
Do you have any other good ideas for transforming this paper into the stuff of Wikiversity? The Jade Knight 18:40, 14 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
I really wanted to actually make this into a more complete class (like I have over with the Russian Revolution) but I got side-track with the Russian Revolution and American History stuff. This paper is a basis for a week on Medieval inventions and stuff. My premise being, why reinvent the wheel when I have the lug nuts.The G 04:06, 15 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
Well, there also exists a wikibook chapter on the Middle Ages, and a whole slew of Wikipedia articles, all of which would function very well. If the essay is going to be here on Wikiversity, as opposed to elsewhere, I'd like there to be a reason for it. Audio/video content would be great, or if it could be transformed into something else less essay-like and more "learning project"-like. If it's going to remain an essay, it probably ought to be moved over to Wikibooks, and reference from there. The Jade Knight 11:24, 16 July 2007 (UTC)Reply



Is this website supposed to be like a free online college? (The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs) )

In short, no, though various projects and Departments may handle things in the way of a college. Wikiversity provides collaborative education at all levels and (eventually) in all subjects. Some of these projects may function similarly to college courses, but many do not. Would you like to contribute? The Jade Knight (d'viser) 08:37, 4 November 2008 (UTC)Reply
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