Talk:Helping Give Away Psychological Science/Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology Future Directions Forum (JCCAP FDF)

Welcome to the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology - Future Directions Forum


The Future Directions Forum (FDF) is an annual, national conference developed in conjunction with the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (JCCAP). Both the forum and the journal are connected with the Society for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. The FDF had its inaugural meeting in June 2017 at the University of Maryland, College Park. The FDF was developed and organized by Dr. Andres De Los Reyes, who is also the current editor of the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.

The FDF uses an innovative format that includes several techniques adapted from research in adult learning models and teaching of psychology. The FDF includes keynote addresses by authors who recently contributed "Future Directions" feature articles to the journal, followed by facilitated break-out sessions where they audience divides into smaller groups for an active discussion led by additional content experts. FDF 2017 also used an electronic poster gallery format, introduced a new set of early career awards, and had a set of pedagogical talks and workshops geared towards advanced students and early career psychologists.

Another innovation at FDF 2017 was the introduction of a Wikiversity module to share selected materials from the sessions. These pages include some content from the keynotes and even more from the breakout sessions. Advantages of the Wiki format are that a single set of pages could gather the information from all the breakout sessions (which happened in parallel, meaning that no one could hear all of the content); and the pages also include links to resources and materials referred to in the talks and discussions. Another feature of the Wiki is that content could be added in real time (and student editors added content "on the fly" during the discussions), and pages are still "live" and editable. Many of the experts have gone back and polished or added content since the meeting. Yet another aspect of the Wiki is that there are "Discussion" pages attached to each of the content pages, where more informal question and answer and discussion can take place.

In short, these pages create a shared set of notes and resources that participants can continue to use and build upon even after the meeting. They also are a shared resource for people interested in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, broadly speaking, globally.

There are "home pages" for the 2017 FDF and the 2018 FDF. The four theme pages from FDF 2017 are "underneath" the FDF 2017 home page.

Thanks to Dr. De Los Reyes for the vision and leadership to build the conference; to SCCAP, the American Psychological Association, and the University of Maryland for the support and resources to make the inaugural conference possible, and to the team of research assistants, students, and colleagues that did a wonderful job making the FDF such a success!

Rapid Grant Proposal: Leveraging Wiki Platforms for Academic Conferences


Hello! I am a member of the H-GAPS User Group and our goal is to share information from psychological conferences onto Wiki platforms. We are hoping to create a toolkit/template for psychological conferences to use to disseminate information on Wiki platforms. To support this project, we are applying for a Rapid Grant through the Wikimedia Foundation, and you are welcome to review the draft here: Leveraging Wiki Platforms for Academic Conferences. We welcome any questions, feedback, and endorsements! Please feel free to contact us at with any questions or feedback. Thank you Magnolia321 (discusscontribs) 23:59, 17 February 2022 (UTC)Reply

Edits Needed Through 996 Grant


The format of days section needs to update since we have moved to a 3 day event and now this year the webinar series. Everything else was minor editing that I have already completed. Ncharamut (discusscontribs) 20:16, 14 June 2022 (UTC)Reply


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