Welcome to this page dedicated to comment and discuss a PhD thesis written about the Wikimedia movement and called Imagine a World (commenter et discuter en français)

You can access to the main page of the research in French on Wikiversité, or its Google-translated version in English or other languages. But take care ! You have to come back to this page to leave a message and not try to do it from a Google translated page (check the url to be sure).

Discuss and comment on the first part translated in English or other languages (under review)


Re: You can access to the main page of the research in French on Wikiversité, or its Google-translated version in English or other languages. But take care ! You have to come back to this page to leave a message and not try to do it from a Google translated page (check the url to be sure). I am wondering if there are plans to translate this work into English. Google translate is amazing, but it has limitations. There are some obvious problems. One problem I see a lot of are short sentences that start in the middle of a thought. Those sentences do not start with a capital letter. Am I explaining myself properly? Ottawahitech (discusscontribs) 16:01, 29 March 2021 (UTC)Reply

Hi again ! I'm discovering the new tool response on my smatphone. Let we see how it's work. For the translation issue, as I tell you before, is first to create two book from my thesis on French wikiversity. A fist one from the first par of my thesis, more adressed to a global publique just interested to know what is the Wikimedia movement. And a secound part from the two last parts of my thesis for who want to know more about the issues of the movement. When the French book is published, I start to translate it in English. Help from native English speaker will be welcome ! Lionel Scheepmans Contact (French native speaker) 09:32, 18 January 2023 (UTC)Reply

Chapter 1


Chapter 2


Chapter 3


Chapter 4


Discuss and comment on the second part translated in English or other languages (still in progress)


Just to let you know I don't see chapter 5-8 what I see is 1.1 - 1.4. I also see part of the text in English and the other part in French. It keeps changing and it is very confusing, at least to me. Ottawahitech (discusscontribs) 20:03, 21 March 2021 (UTC) Maybe use Template:Under construction at the top of the page to let others know? Cheers, Ottawahitech (discusscontribs) 20:11, 21 March 2021 (UTC)Reply

Good idea @Ottawahitech, thanks again ! Lionel Scheepmans Contact (French native speaker) 21:22, 21 March 2021 (UTC)Reply

Chapter V. Actors of the Wikimedia movement


Chapter VI. Wikimedia Culture


Chapter VII. Wikiversity and University


The controversial history of Wikiversity project}


Re: In an original way the Wikiversity project originated in Wikibooks

I was not aware of this history, so I checked the link to the 2005 discussion b:Wikibooks:Requests for deletion/Wikiversity. It appears that prior to that time Wikiversity was a w:Wikipedia:Namespace on Wikibooks, and some editors were uncomfortable with it.

These are some bits of the discussion of the proposal to delete this namespace:

  • I gotta be blunt here that I don't like discussions about what happens here on Wikibooks to be made and decisions reached that are off-site, which is why I was pushing to move the existing content to Meta (where major policy decisions regarding this project are currently being made.) It appears though, that Meta doesn't want it, and by us kicking it off Wikibooks is going to make this a truly orphaned project that even Wikicities wont take.
  • What this project needs is somebody to say "damn the torpedos.... let's get this thing running NOW!"
  • The same issue applies to Wikiversity so far as the Foundation is concerned, because the goals and purposes of this project are not clearly defined, and it seems like the participants are trying to bite off more than they can chew by proposing an entire multi-college research university (with Carnegie-Mellon research status and accreditation as well) to be formed out of whole cloth rather than a simple adult education center with a few classes.

I wonder how things would have turned out today? Ottawahitech (discusscontribs) 15:07, 23 March 2021 (UTC)Reply

Thanks @Ottawahitech ! Lionel Scheepmans Contact (French native speaker) 21:36, 23 March 2021 (UTC)Reply

My Wikiversity journey


Re: Reading this content, I learned the hard way that: “Personal essays and unpublished works (TI) [N 4] have no place on Wikipedia." I was then redirected to another project called Wikiversité

Interesting how, despite a very different background, we both arrived at wikiversity by a similar experience. I was also redirected to wikiversity by someone who felt my covid "braindump" did not belong. I wonder how many of those participating in wikiversity were redirected here from other wmf-projects where others felt they did not belong? Did anyone study this -- where do most participants come from? Ottawahitech (discusscontribs) 02:08, 27 March 2021 (UTC)Reply

Yes indeed Ottawahitech, we are numerous to switch to Wikiversity for creating original works and also using primary sources. But I don't have statistics about this. Lionel Scheepmans Contact (French native speaker) 13:51, 27 March 2021 (UTC)Reply
Hi @Lionel Scheepmans: I haven' been visiting wikiversity often since discovering the English Wikiquote (another project where primary sources are welcome). How is your PhD progressing? I haven't seen you around recently. Cheers, Ottawahitech (discusscontribs) 03:04, 17 January 2023 (UTC)Reply
Hi @Ottawahitech. My PhD is finish. Now I'm working on Wikibook to make a book from my thesis. Is the new year starting well for you ? Lionel Scheepmans Contact (French native speaker) 19:24, 17 January 2023 (UTC)Reply
@Lionel Scheepmans: Congratulations. I watched your video talking about benevolent volunteers and wiki-money, interesting. I hope to find some time to locate you on wiki-books (the link on your user page is broken, I think?).
Note: I am using the new reply-tool to write this comment , but it currently has no preview function here on wikiversity (there is one on wikiquote), so I hope my comment will render correctly, but I am not sure and apologize in advance if there is a problem. Ottawahitech (discusscontribs) 22:49, 17 January 2023 (UTC)Reply
Everithing fine Ottawahitech . The page on French wikibook still don't existe for the secoind and tird part of my thesis, but well for the first part. I'm working on before to translate every thing in English wikibook. Are you interested to give me a hand for this translation? That's abig deal for me... Lionel Scheepmans Contact (French native speaker) 09:20, 18 January 2023 (UTC)Reply

Chapter VIII. Imagine the world according to Wikimedia

Return to "Imagine a world" page.