Talk:Ideas in Geometry/Instructive examples/Section 1.2

I think you did a good job with showing the formula you used to solve the problem. However, I am a bit lost when it comes to your work. it is sort of difficult to understand the steps you took since none of the intermediate work is shown (i.e. the subtraction and moving of the variables) I also think this problem would benefit from written explanation besides just showing equations. Maybe you could start by explaining what a tangent line is, Why you took the steps you took, and even provide us with a picture of what it would look like. Keep up the good work! -Stephanie Lobraco

I think it might be helpful to explain how you knew what numbers to plug in for p(x) and l(x) because it may be confusing if you do not know what p(x) and l(x) are or what they represent. If you show all of your work step by step and provide explanations as you go it would also be less confusing. You have a good start to the problem! --Rachel89 03:27, 29 October 2010 (UTC)Reply

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