Talk:Human Legacy Course/The First People

• Question #1: What is an artifact, and what are two examples of artifacts?  Artifacts are objects that people in the past made or used, such as coins or pottery • Question #2: How do some anthropologists and archaeologists contribute to our understanding of prehistory?  Anthropology and other scientific fields continue to expand and revise our picture of the prehistoric past. For example, scientists who study genetics have recently revised our understanding of human origins. • Question #3: Based on what you have learned about archaeological digs, would you want to work on one?  Yes, if only I could take a sabbatical from work. • Question #4: How have Mary Leakey, Louis Leakey, and Donald Johanson contributed to our knowledge of human origins?  Their work continues to expand our knowledge of early people and the origins of man. • Question #5: What set Homo sapiens apart from earlier hominids?  Homo Sapiens have larger brains than earlier hominids, Homo sapiens developed more sophisticated tools and shelters and eventually learned to create fire, although this trait may have been developed earlier by Homo Erectus. • Question #6: In your opinion, how did the development of language most benefit prehistoric people? Why?  The development of language allows for deeper cooperation between groups and individuals. This also would aid the spread of man out of Africa. • Question #7: What possible routes did Homo sapiens use to spread from Africa throughout the world?  Homo Sapiens spread out of Africa via the Straits of Gibraltar into Southern Europe as well as via the Red Sea basin into the Fertile Crescent. Later man used the Bering Straits to cross into the Americas and also they spread South to Australasia using most probably some form of boat. However recent findings cast doubt on the Clovis Culture age findings with evidence of Egyptian and South African contact as well as contact with the Pacific Islands. Further study into this is required. • Question #8: What do most scientists think helped contribute to some of the genetic variation seen among modern humans today?  Natural Adaptation to their environments via natural selection. • Question #9: What is a hunter-gatherer?  A Hunter gatherer society is one which relies on the hunting of animals and the gathering of nuts, berries and grains in order to sustain its members. • Question #10: What types of art did later Stone Age people create?  Rock Art mostly, which depicted hunting scenes and may have had a spiritual element. They also carved ornaments and figurines out of antlers, bone, coral, ivory, and shells. • Question #11: How did Stone Age technology improve over time?  Through incremental stages by developing an idea over generations. An example would be the development of the bow and arrow which found its origins in the stone flint chipped knife, leading to an axe with a wooden handle, then a spear, a spear thrower and then the bow, and smaller arrow.

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