Talk:Helping Give Away Psychological Science/Hurricane and flooding preparation and tips

General Comments


Impressive how much content came together quickly!

The psychological resources are not well connected or represented on the federal and state sites, yet, so that is something worth tackling over the long term.

We can do more to tie in the resources from MUSC and NCTSN on the page, too.

Thanks and Testimonials


"Crazy how fast you can generate good content." -Dr. Thomas Frazier, Chief Scientific Officer, Autism Speaks

"Dear DA Families,

I hope that your homes are safe, dry and fully electrified this morning. We seem to be dodging the worst of Hurricane Florence but still we’ll need to be careful ourselves and take care of our neighbors and friends – especially those to the south and east.

I want to share a robust set of resources that might prove useful to you and your children in the coming days.

A group of UNC students has been working with the Society for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology to build a list of tips and suggestions for getting ready for the storm, staying safe during it and regrouping after it.

Click here to see the articles, links, infographics and more on their Wikiversity page.

Thanks to DA parent Dr. Eric Youngstrom for sharing these resources and for guiding his students toward a poignant project – a great example of why DA is pursuing more service-learning opportunities to help our students apply their learning to real-world situations.

Grateful as always to live in this community,"

Michael Ulku-Steiner

Hi Eric, (and Emily!),

This is fantastic! I am so impressed with what these students (and you and Mian) have done!

Hope everyone is doing well and continues to do well. The wind is picking up in our corner of Chapel Hill.

Best, Angela Bardeen Social Sciences Reference Librarian, UNC Chapel Hill

Section Specific Suggestions







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