Talk:Evidence-based assessment/BipolarYouthMeta

Project 142.1 2020 Update


This is an update of the 2015 meta-analysis published in APA's now-defunct open access journal. [Here's] the Wiki AARF.



This is the landing page to copy over the text and citations from the older version of the meta-analysis published in 2015 in APA's open access journal.

Done! --(a) Copy and paste existing text in

Done! --(b) fix formatting

(c) add back citations (from Endnote, via Zotero)

(d) Add other Wiki features

   Done! --TOC, 
   [] external links
   [] Wiki links

Once the coding is done for the updated articles, we will line edit, update prose, make beautiful figures, etc.

The Ebola article includes several useful examples, including templates for figures, and the {{*link}} to tag which references should be denoted as included in the meta-analysis.

Differences between 2020 and 2015 version


Updated search; found 5 new codable articles (including Ong; Youngstrom et al. 2020)

Reorganized data to clarify community vs. academic, replacing Findling et al. 2005 and Youngstrom et al. 2005 with 2020 version

Added more UHHS Achenbachs

Added new short forms -- 7 Up, 10M Self, Papachristou stupidity

Technical enhancements: R Notebook Color figures, upgraded forest plots Animated figures

Utility enhancements: linked to PDFs, Wikiversity pages with scoring code for researchers linked to Assessment Center Providing translations

To Do

  • Paste in remaining tables
    • Clean up notes, titles
    • Cut and paste to rearrange so that tables are embedded where discussed in results (following typeset PDF more closely than the Word doc where they are appended at end)
  • Search terms
    • Debug search term script
    • Embed in paper as external link <-- easy for reader to see if there is new stuff!
  • References
    • Ask Braunschweig to look at ISSN <-- suspect there is a template on Wikipedia that does not yet have analog on Wikiversity
    • How hard to add PMID, DOI where missing?
  • Figures
    • Wait to upload until new versions available
    • Features for new: Color, animating (could do flipbook or link to R Notebook on OSF)

Stretch Goals


[Flipbook as way of animating effect sizes over time?]

Notes from 7/9 Meeting

  • Mandatory: Contact original authors
    • Invite to this paper
    • Make sure they approve the final version
  • Consider grabbing the clinically significant change tables that Caroline built and adding them here
I meant adding to the Rx4DxTx paper; they would be out of scope here because we didn't search for or analyze Tx sensitivity in this meta-analysis. Eyoungstrom (discusscontribs) 14:24, 10 July 2020 (UTC)Reply

Joshal (discusscontribs) 22:47, 9 July 2020 (UTC)Reply

Eliding section names to make TOC more manageable


I noticed that the TOC is somewhat out of control. The reason is that the section headings have been copied wholesale from the paper, and some are quite long. Would it be possible to shorten them, perhaps by breaking them onto two lines? Many of the offending headings are sub-headings or sub-sub-headings. For example, Table 3 could be renamed with a short but informative heading and the full title underneath in bold, like this:

=== Table 3. Random Effects===
Tests of homogeneity and estimates of random effects variances between effect sizes (level 1) and between samples (level 2) for multivariate meta-regression models using maximum likelihood estimation

Other subheadings could be similarly shortened. E.g., section 2.2 could go from:

===Potential Role of Rating Scales for Discriminating Between Bipolar and Other Diagnoses===


===Rating Scales===
Potential Role of Rating Scales for Discriminating Between Bipolar and Other Diagnoses

What do you think? Joshal (discusscontribs) 14:29, 30 July 2020 (UTC)Reply

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