Talk:Creating Dynamic Lessons/Assessment

A lesson should contain the following elements in the following order:

  1. Attention-Getter
  2. Introduction
  3. Lesson Content
  4. Lesson Practice
  5. Lesson Assessment


Part 1
Review the previous vocabulary lesson you created HERE (If you press and hold ctrl on your keyboard and click the link, the link will open in a new window). Copy/paste your lesson below. Use the following checklist to self-assess your lesson. Give yourself a score. If you do not score at least 5 points, then review the contents of this lesson and add the appropriate content to your lesson so that you can score at least 5 Points.

Part 2
When you are finished assessing your lesson, use the same checklist to score two other lessons that are posted below. Be sure to type your name next to the score so we know who is scoring the lessons.

Directions:Check the box that contains the answer to your question.

Question Yes No Score
1. Did you include an attention-getter in your lesson? 1 0
2. Did you introduce your lesson and its main goals after the attention-getter? 1 0
3. After the introduction, did you include the instructional phase of your lesson that teaches the lesson's main goals? 1 0
4. Did you include some examples in the instruction? 1 0
5. After the lesson's instruction, id you offer some methods for the student to practice the lesson's goals? 1 0
6. At the end of the lesson, did you include an assessment to check your student's learning? 1 0
..........................................................................................................................................................................Total ---- ---

If you selected Yes to a question, give that row one point. If you selected No for a question, give that row zero points. If the checklist scored at least 5 points or more--Great, that lesson has most of the necessary components. If the checklist scored less than 5 points, the designer should review Parts 1-8 of this instructional lesson until they are able to score at least 5 or more points.


Shakespeare Vocabulary Lesson

  1. Attention-Getter: Students view their vocabulary words arranged in word art, which utilized the site
  2. Lesson Introduction: Students read the lesson's objectives and explanations on a power point.
  3. Lesson Content: Students read about Shakespeare and the Shakespearean time period ona credible website. Students read their 10 vocabulary words and definitions.
  4. Lesson Practice: Students practice memorizing the definitions using the flashcard feature on
  5. Lesson Assessment: Students read the terms and definitions on wikiversity and answer true if the definition matches the term or false if it does not match. The student can check his/her answers using the next page of the wikiversity.

Score:_____ Comments:______ Reviewer: ________

"The Pit and the Pendulum" Vocabulary Lesson

  1. Attention-Getter: Students view listen to a podcast of their words and their definitions using .
  2. Lesson Introduction: Students read the goals of the lessons and the background information on a presentation created using
  3. Lesson Content: Students navigate through the lesson using a LiveBinder that connects to "Pit and Pendulum" resources.
  4. Lesson Practice: Students practice memorizing the definitions using the crossword and word search tabs on
  5. Lesson Assessment: Students follow the directions on the livebinder and write a two page reflection about what they learned about the vocabulary and use the vocabulary in their essay.

Score:_____ Comments:____ Reviewer: _______

PASTE EXAMPLE HERE Score: ____ Comments: ____ Reviewer: _______

PASTE EXAMPLE HERE Score:______ Comments:____ Reviewer:_______

PASTE EXAMPLE HERE Score: _______ Comments:____ Reviewer:________

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