TAO/How to create a learning and/or research module?/Getting started

Step 1

  • Briefly describe the topic you are going to focus on as well as the approach you are intending to take.
  • Describe your target group(s): What are their characteristics, motivations, needs, and interests? What do you already know about them? What do you still need to find out? How are you planning to go about to find out?

Step 2

  • Describe the processes by which you are going to generate, assemble, and transfer know-how.
  • Describe the way you are going to validate your approach with the target group(s), involving them at an early stage of the development of your learning and/or research activity.
  • Sketch out the form of the presentation and documentation (and possibly the illustration) of your learning and/or research activity.

Step 3

  • Decide on the next steps to take, make a "project plan" with deadlines for the next steps.
  • Analyze the resource situation in your team as well as the availability of the representatives of your target group(s), adapt your "project plan" accordingly.
  • Ask what it would take for your learning activity to be sustainable; take the necessary measures to ensure its sustainability.

Step 4

  • Document steps 1 to 3 on Wikiversity by starting your own activity description page and add it to the list of activities.

Step 5

  • When you are done (or if you are stuck): Send us a short e-mail to community(at)thirdageonline.eu.