TAO/How to create a learning and/or research module?/Get to know your target groups

Step 1


Use existing sources to learn more about the target group of your module:

  • surveys
  • research reports
  • marketing analyses
  • etc.

Conduct your own research to complete the picture:

  • interviews with experts
  • interviews or focus groups with members of the target group
  • participant observation
  • surveys
  • etc.

Write a short summary of your key findings. Add it to the discussion page of your module.

Step 2


Get in your users heads by creating personas based on your knowledge of the target group.

You may draw your knowledge of the target group from various sources, including statistics. However, in order to be effective, you will usually need to gather a team of people who know these personas or to conduct focus groups with members of your target group.

Follow the instructions of the module "Creating Personas and Working with Them", especially unit 1.

Document your personas on a sub-page of the personas page for the TAO Community of Practice. Add links to the personas on the discussion page of your module and identify the persona(s) on which you would like to put the main focus in developing your module.

Step 3


Think about the viability of your module.

What additional resources/partners do you rely on to accomplish your learning activity and to make it viable (sponsors, maintainers, multipliers, technical support, designers, etc.)?

What are their interests and motivational factors? What can you do to respond to their interests and motivational factors?

Document your findings in form of a short summary. Add them to the discussion page of your module.