Systemic Approaches to Trauma and Neglect

This subject is a post-graduate and professional level of study divided into two modules. In module 1 you will synthesise theoretical and practical contributions from various systemic models of therapy to conceptualise, assess and respond to the needs of families and couples where one or more of the members have experienced trauma and/or neglect, broadly conceived. You will also integrate the knowledge and skills from Trauma and Neglect: Theory and skills for intervention with individuals as you focus on the particular needs of children, siblings, non-offending parents, and offenders. Module 2 consists of clinical practice classes where you will work in groups of 6 with a supervisor to practice and refine your skills and knowledge as applied in role-play, discussion and live work using a reflecting team process. This subject is currently available via face to face sessions at The Bouverie Centre.

A Sailor hugs his wife and son after a six-and-a-half month deployment


  1. Introduction to contemporary trauma theory and practice with families
  2. Trauma clinical practice