Sustainable Development Goals/Spatial Mapping

This learning resource addresses the spatial visualisation of SDG activities on a map based on WebApp programmed for this learning resource.

WebApp for Sustainable Development


A WebApp Mapper4SDG is small browser based mapping tool for sustainable development activities. It provides the feature to

  • create of icons on the map to which activities can be assigned. An icon is a geolocation and to each geolocation a set of Sustainable Development Goals can be attached that are addressed with the activities at this geolocation.
  • the mobile devices detect the current geolocation and for the selected geolocation an activity of project can be defined. The activity or a list of SDGs can be a activities can be offered to these uses

Technical Privacy Friendly WebApp

  • WebApp was programmed for this Wikiversity Resource address the spatial visualisation of SDG activities. The data can be exported into a JSON File but the data is not stored on any server.
  • By pressing Display Map in Mapper4SDG in link is created in the browser location this link in your browser can be used directly as external in Wikiversity. Try to learn about spatial visualisation of activities and provide options for other users to join your activities in addition to your Wikiversity Learning Resources also by non-digital contribution to a selection of sustainable development goals.