Survey research and design in psychology/Admin/Announcements


This page documents generic announcements for the unit by Week.

Week 00


Unit outline


FYI, the unit outline is now available - check Moodle:

  • Unit outline (7126)
  • Unit outline (6667)

Week 01


Lecture 01: Survey research - Handouts available


The Lecture 01 Survey research slide handout is now available to download. Please print off this off if you want a hard-copy.

The lecture will be presented and recorded in Week 01 Tuesday 5 February 12.30-14.30 in 2B7.

Lecture 01: Survey research - Recordings available


FYI, the Lecture 01 recording is available - there are several ways to access recordings:

  1. Echo360 sideblock on the unit's Moodle page
  2. Recording links on the Wikiversity lecture pages
  3. Links will also be posted to Announcements (see below)
  4. Subscribe to the vodcast and/or podcast feeds (see below)

(paste echo360 recording links)

Week 02


Lecture 02: Survey design - Handouts available


The Lecture 02 Survey design slide handout is now available to download. Please print off this off if you want a hard-copy.

The lecture will be presented and recorded in Week 02 Tuesday 12 February 12.30-14.30 in 2B7.

Data collection and entry


The electronic data for the data collection and data entry exercise is due 09:00 Monday of Week 04. The original survey hard copies are then due to be submitted with a cover sheet at lectures, tutorials, or in James Neill's mailbox (opposite 12D27) by a two weeks later 09:00 Monday Week 06.

Census date is Friday of Week 04


Census date is Friday of Week 04.

If domestic students withdraw by this date, the unit will not appear on the academic transcript and fees will not be incurred.

If you have not completed at least 40 hours of study towards this unit by the end of Week 04 (on Lectures 01-04 and associated readings, Tutorials 01-02, Quizzes 01-04, and the data entry exercise), then it is recommend that you consider withdrawing from the unit.

For more information, see

Assessment reminder: Data submission due Monday 09:00 Week 4


You have until Monday 09:00 of Week 04 to collect and enter 5 cases of survey data for the data collection and entry assessment exercise. Please note:

  • You will need to access the UC campus during daylight hours and SPSS in order to complete this assessment exercise, as per the survey administration guidelines
  • No late submissions will be accepted
  • Marking criteria = Follow the instructions

The hard copy submission of the 5 surveys is due Monday 09:00 Week 6.

Week 03


Lecture 03: Descriptives & graphing - Handout available


The Lecture 03 Descriptives and graphing slide handout is now available to download. Please print off this off if you want a hard-copy.

The lecture will be presented and recorded in Week 03 Tuesday 19 February 12.30-14.30 in 2B7.

Psychology Computer Lab timetable (10A23a)


For those who would like to use the 10A23a Psychology Computer Lab, I've attached the room timetable for the semester (Mon-Thu). The lab is available all of Friday, Saturday, Sunday. I have requested 24/7 swipe card access for those enrolled to Building 10 and the room code is available from your tutor.

Week 04


End of Week 04 - Census date: Last chance to withdraw without penalty


Please note: If you have not completed at least 40 hours of study towards this unit by the end of Week 04 (on Modules 1 and 2), then I strongly recommend that you consider withdrawing from the unit by the census date (Friday of Week 04) to avoid the risk of failing or the financial and academic consequences of late withdrawal.

The rest of the unit focuses on multivariate relationships, so understanding of the content covered in Weeks 01 to 04 is critical to being able able to handle upcoming topics.

Lab report - Data download


The combined data file for the lab report is now available: see data download. The next step is to begin working on the lab report by data screening.

Feedback and marks for the data collection and entry exercise will be provided in Week 6, after the hard copies have been submitted (by Week 06 Monday 09:00).

Lecture 04: Correlation - Handout available


The Lecture 04 Correlation slide handout is now available to download. Please print off this off if you want a hard-copy.

The lecture will be presented and recorded in Week 03 Tuesday 26 February 12.30-14.30 in 2B7.

Data submission feedback and data download


Marks and feedback for the data submission exercise are now available in the gradebook.

The mean score for the assessment activity was 8.7/10. Of 124 enrolled students, 51% got 10, 6% got 0 (due to no on time submission), and the other 43% got between 1 and 9 (due to submitting data but with varying degrees of problems). These marks are still to be checked against submission of hard copy surveys. Zero will be given if hard copies are not supplied with a cover sheet by Monday 09:00 of Week 5. Submit hard copies at lectures, tutorials, or in James Neill's mailbox opposite 12D27.

The combined data file is now available: see data download. The next step is data screening.

Week 05


Lecture 05: Exploratory factor analysis - Handout available


The Lecture 05 Exploratory factor analysis slide handout is now available to download. Please print off this off if you want a hard-copy.

The lecture will be presented and recorded in Week 05 Tuesday 05 March 12.30-14.30 in 2B7.

Assessment reminder: Hard copy data submission due Monday 09:00 Week 6


You have until Monday 09:00 of Week 06 to submit hard copies for the data collection and entry assessment exercise.

  • You will need to access the UC campus during daylight hours and SPSS in order to complete this assessment exercise, as per the survey administration guidelines
  • No late submissions will be accepted
  • Marking criteria = Follow the instructions

The hard copy submission of the 5 surveys is due Monday 09:00 Week 6.

Week 06


Lecture 06: Psychometrics instrument development - Handout available


The Lecture 06: Psychometric instrument development slide handout is now available. Please print off this off if you want a hard-copy.

This lecture will be presented in Week 06 Tuesday 12 March 12.30-14.30 in 2B7. This lecture will include an opportunity to ask questions about exploratory factor analysis.

Data submission feedback and data download


FYI, hard copy surveys submitted on time have now been checked and marks have been upgraded in the gradebook as follows:

  • If hard copies received on time and checked as OK, no change
  • If hard copies were not received on time -5 (rather than -10 as advertised)
  • If minor errors, -1 per error - most common problem with the hard copies was not indicating the participant ID#s in the top-right hand corner of the first page of the surveys (makes it difficult to check electronic data against hard copies)

Mean = 8.3/10

Data submission feedback


Marks and feedback for the data submission exercise are now available in the gradebook.

The mean score for the assessment activity was */10. Of * enrolled students, *% got 10, *% got 0 (due to no on time submission), and the other *% got between 1 and 9 (due to submitting data but with varying degrees of problems). These marks are still to be checked against submission of hard copy surveys. Zero will be given if hard copies are not supplied with a cover sheet by Monday 09:00 of Week 5. Submit hard copies at lectures, tutorials, or in James Neill's mailbox opposite 12D27.

Mid-semester feedback


An anonymous mid-semester feedback survey is available. Your feedback would be much appreciated and will guide improvements to the design and delivery of the unit.

Week 07


No classes

Message to enrollees who haven't yet attempted Quiz 01


Hi, I noticed that you've enrolled in Survey Research and Design in Psychology but haven't completed any quizzes yet. Whilst all the Quizzes will be open until the end of Semester and could be sat one after the other as a final, take-home exam, the fact that you haven't attempt quizzes at this point is a red flag that may indicate that you've fallen behind in this unit.

If you have fallen behind, then I recommend considering Withdrawal. "If you withdraw from your units between these dates a W/D result will be recorded and will appear on your transcript and you will be liable for any HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP liability or tuition fees."[1]

If you choose to continue with the unit, then I strongly recommend catching up on completion of the quizzes, otherwise you will be at risk underperforming and possibly failing.

If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.

Week 08


No classes

Week 09


Lecture 07: Multiple linear regression I - Handout available


The Lecture 07: Multiple linear regression I slide handout is now available. Please print off this off if you want a hard-copy.

This lecture will be presented in Week 09 Tuesday 2 April 12.30-14.30 in 2B7.

Reminder - mid-semester feedback survey is open - thankyou for the useful responses so far.

Week 10


Lecture 08: Multiple linear regression II - Handout available


The Lecture 08: Multiple linear regression II slide handout is now available. Please print off this off if you want a hard-copy.

This lecture will be presented in Week 10 Tuesday 9 April 12.30-14.30 in 2B7.

Week 11


Lecture 09: Power and effect sizes - Handout available


The Lecture 09: Power and effect sizes slide handout is now available. Please print off this off if you want a hard-copy.

This lecture will be presented in Week 10 Tuesday 16 April 12.30-14.30 in 2B7.

Big statistics party - starts Wed


The Tutorial 5 lab report workshop - aka big statistics p a r t y - kicks off next Wed 30 April 12.00-7.30pm in 10a23a. Feel free to come along for as much time as you like to get hands-on help with the lab report.

There will be a waitlist on the wall - just add your name and then I'll come around and see folks in order.

There will be another Tutorial 5 lab report workshop party the following week on Wed 7 May from 12.00-5.30pm, followed by Virtual Tutorial drop-in time 6.30-8.30pm.

Week 12


Lecture 10: Summary and conclusion - Handout available


The Lecture 10: Summary and conclusion slide handout is now available. Please print off this off if you want a hard-copy.

This lecture will be presented in Week 10 Tuesday 23 April 12.30-14.30 in 2B7.

There will also be time during this lecture for questions and answers about the lab report.

Big statistics party - even bigger this week


This week Wed 12.30-6.30pm there will be an even bigger statistics p a r t y in 10a23a.

During last week's statistics party, approximately 30 people received considerable assistance and made a lot of progress.

This week there will be greater demand for assistance (and greater demand on computers - consider bringing a laptop).

I recommend this opportunity, as well other sources of help, including use of the discussion forum.

Week 13


Week 14


Week 15


Week 16


Quiz feedback

Week 17


Lab report - marking update


Marks and feedback are now available for lab reports submitted to date.

Markers invested approximately an hour reviewing each report and providing feedback.

View lab report submission to find the response files:

  1. Spreadsheet with a breakdown of marks awarded for each section
  2. Submitted report with tracked changes and comments

View gradebook to find the marks:

  1. Mark (/45) and % (/100)

In addition, please see:

  1. Lab report - General feedback which emphasises the most commonly repeated feedback
  2. Lab report - HD example 2013 provides an example of an HD-level lab report submitted this year

The average mark was 64% (min. = 0; max. = 93). The distribution of grades was:

Grade	%	n
HD	9%	9
DI	19%	18
CR	28%	27
P	26%	25
F	18%	17
Total	100%	96

Please consider the marking and feedback provided. If you have any questions or comments, post to the discussion forum or email the unit convener. If you disagree with the marking, please consult the recommended marking dispute process.

Final marks and grade


Hi folks,

Recommended final marks and grades the marks for this unit are now available. Please check the gradebook to see whether everything looks to be in order and let me know about any problems as soon as possible. Note that these are unofficial recommended marks and grades that are still to be approved by the Faculty of Health.

Official results will be available from UC on Friday 7/6. I will be available on campus (12D12) Tues 11/6 for Grade Review Day. Feel free to make an appointment to see me to review any aspect of the unit, including your assessment and grading.

Here's the overall mark and grade distribution:

Grade	%	n
HD	5%	6
DI	26%	29
CR	24%	27
P	26%	29
NX	1%	1
NC	10%	11
NN	2%	2
WH	6%	7
Total	100%	112
Mean	68.6	
Median	69.0	
SD	11.1	
Min	30.8	
Max	92.9	
N	96	

Overall performance was equivalent to 2012 (M = 69) which was higher than in previous years (2011 M = 67; 2010 M = 65).

Thanks for your participation and engagement throughout semester. I hope you learnt some useful skills. I look forward to further learning adventures with those enrolling in Motivation and Emotion, Semester 2.

Please provide official feedback on the unit via the Unit Satisfaction Survey (USS).

James Neill
Unit convener