Subjective Awareness/Bodily subjective experiences

Here's a list of bodily subjective experiences:[1]

  1. Pleasure and Enjoyment:
    • Sensations related to pleasure, such as the enjoyment of a delicious meal, a warm bath, or a soothing massage.
  2. Fatigue and Exhaustion:
    • The subjective feeling of tiredness or depletion of energy after physical or mental exertion.
  3. Physical Comfort and Discomfort:
    • The overall sense of ease or unease in the body, influenced by factors like posture, clothing, and environmental conditions.
  4. Itchiness and Irritation:
    • Unpleasant sensations that trigger a desire to scratch or alleviate discomfort.
  5. Nausea and Motion Sickness:
    • Feelings of queasiness and the urge to vomit, often associated with motion or certain stimuli.
  6. Muscle Tension and Relaxation:
    • The subjective experience of muscles being tight, tense, or relaxed, reflecting physical and emotional states.
  7. Sexual Arousal and Satisfaction:
    • Sensations related to sexual pleasure, arousal, and satisfaction.
  8. Balance and Dizziness:
    • The feeling of equilibrium or the lack thereof, including sensations of dizziness or lightheadedness.
  9. Breathing Comfort and Shortness of Breath:
    • The ease or difficulty experienced during breathing, including feelings of breathlessness.
  10. Physical Effort and Strain:
    • The sensation of exertion and strain during physical activities, reflecting the intensity of effort.
  11. Fullness and Satiety:
    • The subjective sense of being full and satisfied after eating, contrasting with hunger.
  12. Physical Vigor and Lethargy:
    • Feelings of vitality and energy, or conversely, a lack of motivation and sluggishness.
  13. Heartbeat Awareness:
    • Sensations related to awareness of one's heartbeat, such as rapid heartbeats in response to excitement or stress.
  14. Tingling and Numbness:
    • Unusual sensations, like tingling or numbness, often associated with nerve activity or circulation.
  15. Respiratory Depth and Rate:
    • The subjective experience of the depth and speed of breath, influenced by emotions, physical activity, and health.
  16. Headache and Migraine:
    • Pain and discomfort specifically localized in the head, varying in intensity and duration.
  17. Digestive Comfort and Discomfort:
    • Feelings associated with the well-being or discomfort of the digestive system, including bloating, cramps, and indigestion.
  18. Bladder Sensation and Urge:
    • The subjective experience of the need to urinate, ranging from mild discomfort to urgent sensations.
  19. Joint Mobility and Stiffness:
    • Feelings related to the flexibility and ease of movement in joints, contrasting with stiffness.
  20. Sensations of Lightness and Heaviness:
    • Subjective perceptions of the body's weight or buoyancy, influenced by factors like posture and mood.
  1. ChatGPT generated this text responding to the prompt: “Extend the following list of bodily subjective experiences: pain, hunger, thirst, uncomfortable temperatures (hot, cold), and others.”