New Zealand Pilot License/Flight Radiotelephony

Basic Radio Wave Propagation


Describe the characteristics of High Frequency (HF) and Very High Frequency (VHF) in terms of:

  • Range
  • Surface Interference
  • Clarity of Reception



Describe the purpose, correct manipulation and adjustment of the controls of commonly used aeronautical transcievers

Describ the correct operation of:

  • the headset/boom microphone combination; and
  • the handheld microphone

SSR Transponders


Describe the manipulation and adjustment of the controls of commonly used transponders.

Describe the function of the following terms, and explain the procedures to transmit

  • Mode A information; and
  • Mode C information.

State the emergency codes and explain when they should be used.

Demonstrate proficiency in transponder terminolofy and describe the actions and responses expected from a pilot, following ATC transponder instructions.

List the documents that identify transponder mandatory airspace then the aircraft transponder is inoperative.

Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT, aka ELBA or ELB)


State the frequeny(ies) on which the ELT transmits.

State the requirememnts for the carriage of an ELT

Explain how an ELT can be acticated:

  • automatically in the event of an impact; and
  • manually

Describe the management of the ELT following a forced landing.

Describe the requirements associated with ELT testing.

Explain the procedures to follow in the case of inadvertant ELT activation.

Practices and Rules


Demonstrate proficiency in transmitting and recieving spoken messages competently and in accordance with prescribed procedures, including

  • language to be used;
  • word spelling;
  • transmission of numberals;
  • procedure words and phrases;
  • time system;
  • establishment of communications;
  • frequencies to be used;
  • identification of service;
  • radiotelephony aircraft callsigns;
  • correction and repetition tests;
  • listening out
  • readibility scale

Demonstrate a good working knowledge of the following Civil Aviation Rules:

  • Part 91.217 (5);
  • Part 91.243;
  • Part 91.245 (b), (c) and (d);
  • Part 91.247
  • Part 91.249 (a) and (b);
  • Part 91.513;
  • Part 91.545;
  • Part 91.529

APINZ Volume 1, describe the radio procedures, requirements, and functions associated with:

  • ATIS
  • ARFU
  • AWIB

AIPNZ demonstrate a good working knowledge of the phraseology used for, and by VFR aircraft.

AIPNZ demonstrate a good working knowledge of the AIPNZ and AC172-1 with regard to:

  • Communication services;
  • communication aspects in the Search and Rescue section

Phraseology and Procedures


Demonstrate proficiency in standard radiotelephony phraseologies and procedures for:

  • all VFR operations in controlled and uncontrolled airspace;
  • taxi, take-off, approach and landing at controlled aerodromes, Flight Service aerodromes, aerodromes served by UNICOM, and uncontrolled aerodromes; and
  • read-back instructions

State the limitations on pilots with regard to:

  • unauthorised transmissions;
  • secrecy of communications.

Distress and Urgency Communications


Describe the degrees of emergency that warrant:

  • a distress call (MAYDAY); and
  • an urgency call (PANPAN).

Explain the procedures and phraseology involved in transmitting a MAYDAY and PAN call with emphasis on:

  • radio frequencies
  • station(s) to call;
  • contents of the call;
  • enforcing radio silence.

Describe the actions by stations not involved in the emergency with regard to:

  • radio silence; and
  • provisin of assistance.

Describe the procedure involved in terminating emergency communications.

Loss of Communications - Aircraft Equipment


Describe the checks that should be followed when becoming aware of an aircraft communication system failure, including a check of:

  • radio power source;
  • function settings (frequency, squelch and similar);
  • microphone or headset.

Detail the actions to be taken when experiencing loss of communications in:

  • controlled airspace;
  • uncontrolled airspace;
  • special use airspace.

Describe corrective actions that could be taken, including:

  • change of frequency or station;
  • transmitting blind;
  • increase in altitude.

Detail the speechless technique using unmodulated transmissions.

State the meaning of light signals used by ATC.

Loss of communications - ATS Equipment Failure


State the occasions when TIBA (traffic infomation broadcasts by aircraft) might be introduced.

Detail TIBA procedures with respect to:

  • VHF frequencies to be used;
  • listening watch;
  • times of broadcasts.