Student Success/Learning Strategies

This lesson introduces learning strategies. In this lesson you will learn about the learning process, preparing for class, the importance of class attendance, and effective learning strategies.

Attending class
Active learning

Objectives and Skills


Objectives and skills for this lesson include:

  • Define learning styles, and identify your preferred learning style(s)[1]
  • Identify effective mental and physical strategies to prepare for an individual class session[2]
  • Explain why regular class attendance class is important[3]
  • Identify effective learning strategies[4]
  • Differentiate between short-term and long-term memory, and describe the role of each in effective studying[5]
  • Identify resources for applying active learning strategies to your studies, both in and out of the classroom[6]


  1. Lumen: College Success - The Learning Process
  2. Lumen: College Success - Class Preparation
  3. Lumen: College Success - Class Attendance
  4. Lumen: College Success - The Role of Memory
  5. Lumen: College Success - Active Learning


  1. YouTube: Front Flip progression - 1 Day
  2. YouTube: Discover Your Learning Style and Optimize Your Self Study
  3. YouTube: How to Balance School and Work: 5 Strategies for Academic Success
  4. YouTube: Effective Notetaking
  5. YouTube: "Studying Advice: Tips for College Students"'s Student Video Blog Series
  6. YouTube: How To Use A Mind Map
  7. YouTube: Annotate it!


  1. Explore student services.
    • Contact Student Success Services to learn about learning strategy resources.
    • Contact the Tutoring Center to learn which classes have tutors available and what the process is for meeting with a tutor.
  2. Identify your preferred learning style(s).
  3. Update your weekly schedule.
  4. Create a study guide.
  5. Plan learning strategies.
    • Review Lumen: College Success - Assignment: The Role of Memory.
    • Consider your course schedule and any anticipated learning challenges this semester.
    • Consider available resources, including study groups, success services, tutoring, and office hours.
    • What learning strategies can you apply this semester to improve your success?
  6. Blog / Journal / Wiki
    • Update your blog, journal, or wiki page summarizing your experience this week. Include a list of resources and links or contact information for each resource.

Lesson Summary


The Learning Process


Stages of the learning process include:[7]

  • Unconscious incompetence - you don't know what you don't know
  • Conscious incompetence - you know what you don't know
  • Conscious competence - you know what you know
  • Unconscious competence - you know it so well you don't have to think about it

Learning styles include:[8]

  • Visual - see (images and multimedia)
  • Auditory - hear
  • Read/Write - see (words)
  • Kinesthetic - do

Class Preparation


To prepare for class physically and mentally:[9]

  • Eat healthy meals and snacks
  • Exercise regularly
  • Get enough sleep
  • Manage stress
  • Talk to guidance counselors or instructors
  • Understand class- and study-time ratios
  • Start with fixed time commitments
  • Consider your studying and homework habits
  • Plan ahead
  • Consider leisure time

Class Attendance


Class attendance enhances performance:[10]

  • Class participation
  • Class interaction
  • Interaction with the instructor
  • Increased learning

Getting the most out of class time involves listening effectively, engaging with the speaker and the material you hear in an active way.[11]

Effective participation strategies include:[12]

  • Be a team player
  • Share meaningful questions and comments
  • Be prepared

Note-taking recommendations include:[13]

  • Stay organized
  • Use visual cues
  • Group together similar concepts
  • Make notes legible

Common teaching styles include:[14]

  • Authority style
  • Demonstrator style
  • Facilitator style
  • Delegator style
  • Hybrid style

If you need to miss class:[15]

  • Plan in advance
  • Talk to fellow students
  • Do the reading assignment(s) and any other homework
  • Contact your instructor

The Role of Memory


Strategies for effective learning include:[16]

  • Think about concepts rather than facts
  • Take cues from your instructor
  • Look for key terms
  • Use summaries

To enhance memory:[17]

  • Start reviewing new material immediately
  • Study frequently for shorter periods of time
  • Use repetition

Strategies to aid memory include:[18]

  • Incorporate visuals
  • Create mnemonics
  • Get quality sleep
  • Connect new information to old information

Active Learning


Activities that facilitate active engagement in the classroom include:[19]

  • Class discussions
  • Writing assignments
  • Student-led teaching

Strategies for active learning on your own include:[20]

  • Write in your books
  • Annotate a text
  • Create mind maps

When reading, focus on:[21]

  • Context - big picture
  • Audience - who
  • Purpose - what
  • Organization - how
  • Tone - emotions
  • Tools - support
  • Thesis - main idea

Foster an attitude of intellectual curiosity.[22]

Key Terms

multimodal learning
Applying more than one learning style.[23]

See Also


